I received an UNSOLICITED email from a venue a hotel. Instead of asking to be removed from her mailing list I thought I'd entertain her (because I was bored) I asked two questions:
1) Do you have my wedding date available
2) How much for a a group of my size (estimate)
She quickly sent me a response saying my date wasn't available but offered another date, two months after my date. Then she proceeded to give package pricing.
Since my date (or apparently no closer dates) was booked I kindly yet simply said no thanks.
Her only response?
Okay, is the cost over your budget?
My eyes raised at my iPhone in disbelief. I cannot believe she would assume money is the issue here. Not the fact that my date was booked, or maybe I just was not interested.
Even if money was the issue, she could have used a bit more tact in my opinion. Because of that, the vendor in me (travel) will forget about ever using the hotel for any future bookings.
So please remember, not all brides are crying poor...
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