Choosing the Perfect Engagement Ring for Your Partner Without Ruining the Surprise

Congratulations! You’ve finally found the person you want to spend the rest of your life with. Now, you’re looking at proposing, and you want to choose the perfect ring to show how much you love them, but you don’t want to tip them off. Here are some tips on choosing the perfect engagement ring for your partner without ruining the surprise.

Save Up

You’ll want to start saving for the ring early. To get a ring that will really show your commitment and love, you’re going to have to spend some money. Prepare well in advance by saving up. You will open up options when you can afford something nice.

Open Your Ears

Often, if they’re hoping you’ll proposal, they’ll start dropping hints about what kind of ring they want, so open your ears and pay attention. Listen when they talk about a friend’s new engagement ring. Listen when they sees a ring they likes in a movie or in a commercial. Bank that information for later. If you feel like you might have trouble remembering the details, as many do, keep a list somewhere they’re not likely to find it.

Ask for Help

You don’t need to be an expert in jewelry. You should, however, be an expert and asking for help. Talk to your partner’s parents and friends, and ask them what kind of ring they think your partner will want. Your partner may have even been telling them exactly what kind of ring they’re wanting or may have shown them pictures. By asking people who are close to your partner, you’ll will win points with everyone, and you’ll pick a great ring. In a pinch, the sales associate will be probably be able to help you find engagement rings they’ll adore.

Look at Their Current Jewelry

Look at the jewelry they wear now. Do they tend to go for big, gaudy pieces or sleek and simple pieces? Do they favor one metal over the others? Do they favor a certain color or gem over the rest? Are there any shapes that you notice keep reappearing? All of this information will help you find something they like. Again, if you’re going to have trouble remember enough to describe the details at the ring store, make some notes or even take some pictures.

Find a Good Hiding Spot

Many people find the ring well before the proposal. You need to pick a spot where they’ll never find it while also keeping it safe. Avoid your underwear drawer, under the bed, and in the closet, because even if it’s not super likely they’ll look there, they still might. Instead, consider leaving it at their parent’s house. Be very careful who you hide the ring with, and make sure it’s someone you trust.

This is the beginning of the rest of your life. You want to show your partner that you know them, you love them, and you’re committed to them. One way you can do this is by choosing the perfect ring.

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