Kez is a Young Newcastle Marriage Celebrant

What a bang to come back with.. tackling what is a hotly debated and emotional issue. One that people feel either passionate about or against. The inclusion of faith within a wedding ceremony.

While I have no intention of debating the existence of "God*" I feel that as a celebrant it's important for me to discuss and tell couples their options when it comes to ceremonies that include faith or references to faith.

As a celebrant I adhere to the Codes of Practise and as such, my own personal beliefs and values have no relevance.

There are a number of reasons why couples may choose a Celebrant over a minister or registering authority to solemnize marriages. For example if the couple does not follow a faith or system of belief then a religious ceremony may not be appropriate.

Likewise if the couple wishes to marry at a specific location (ie outdoors or interstate) they may not be able secure a minister or authority to perform the ceremony.

Regardless, using a celebrant offers an alternative to religious marriage ceremonies for those couples who do not wish to express themselves through faith.

However, it is a misconception to assume Celebrants are uncomfortable referencing faith or God within a ceremony.

The expression of faith, or inclusion of prayer, should be at the discretion of the couple getting married and there are a number of instances where a reference to faith may be appropriate.

For example, if either the bride or groom follows a faith while the other does not it is still possible to acknowledge that belief within the ceremony.

It is also possible the couple has conflicting beliefs, which is why they have secured a celebrant for their weddings, the two faiths can be acknowledged in a way appropriate to the belief and the couple.

Or the couple may wish to acknowledge the faith of their parents by allowing a prayer, blessing or reference within the ceremony.

The reasons for including a faith message or reading can be as varied as the ceremonies and rituals that are included in secular marriage ceremonies and I can think of no better way to celebrate the joining of two people in marriage, then to rejoice in all that makes them unique and individual, including their faith.

*For the purposes of this blog the use of GOD refers to "a deity is a postulated preternatural or supernatural immortal being, who may be thought of as holy, divine, or sacred, held in high regard, and respected by believers"

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