Actors Vijay Deverakonda and Ananya Panday are currently busy promoting their upcoming pan-India film, Liger and on Tuesday, the actors graced a promotional event in Mumbai, however this time it was Baahubali fame Ramya Krishnan who stole the limelight. Ramya who plays Vijay’s mom in the film looked every bit of gorgeous in her saree that flew in the air due to windy weather. Hands firmly in place to protect her pallu from falling, Ramya still looked every bit of elegant.
The Liger stars- Vijay Deverakonda, Ananya Panday and Ramya Krishnan impressed everyone with their cool and breezy looks. Ananya opted for a green co-ord set with a white collar. She flaunted her midriff and legs in her crop top and short skirt and paired them with white stilettos. On the other hand nation’s heartthrob Vijay Deverakonda looked uber cool as ever in his loose black pants and white t-shirt paired with a cheetah printed shirt. He wore plain chappals which has now become his signature style. While Ramya impressed everyone in a red and blue saree.
Liger is a pan-India film and will hit theaters on August 25. In the film, Vijay Deverakonda will be seen in a role of MMA artist with a stammering issue while Ananya Panday plays his love interest. Ramya Krishnan, Ronit Roy, Vishu Reddy, Ali, Makarand Deshpande, and Getup Srinu will also essay key roles in the film, along with Mike Tyson in a special role.
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