Anupamaa fame Rupali Ganguly has got a reason to celebrate her social media standing today. The actress who has been busy shooting for her show Anupamaa on Star Plus, has had a tough time onscreen as the show witnessed a big twist and a turning point. Anupamaa was to go to the USA, but her duties as mother stopped her from going. Anupama faced a big low when Malti Devi did not accept her apology, but vowed revenge. There was a gloomy and sad phase in the show with Anupamaa crying for the opportunity lost, but being proud as a mother. Now, Anupamaa aka Rupali Ganguly gets an opportunity to dress up in style, as it is again a celebratory affair in the show. It is Kavya’s baby shower and Rupali was seen in a sequin saree style. She posted the same on social media.
She wore a silver and black sequin saree with a black blouse. Anupamaa looked elegant and Rupali carried off the style perfectly. You have to take a look at the pictures to see how graceful Rupali looks in them!!
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