Anil Geela, who rose to fame in the Telugu states through YouTube vlogs and is a part of the popular 'My Village Show' channel, is all set to get married in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic on May 1. He has come up with an innovative digital invite for his wedding which will be streamed online. Typical to his style, the COVID-19 themed wedding card is in the Telangana dialect and has a dash of humour to it.
'My Village Show' on YouTube showcases life in rural Telangana. Recently, Anil also started his own YouTube channel where he puts up vlogs about his personal experiences. He has over 478k subscribers on YouTube.
In the card, Anil has mentioned that he and his fiancee, Aamani, have tested negative for the coronavirus and that the wedding ceremony will take place among their family members in a small temple in his village. He has requested his audience to attend the wedding online and to not go in person.
Anil has also mentioned that if someone wants to give the couple a gift, they can do so through Google Pay or PhonePe, using the QR code. The families have decided to contribute the money to those who need help in the COVID-10 crisis.
Anil says that he got the idea after seeing one of his friend's wedding cards that was also in the Telangana dialect. He added more elements to it and made it innovative.
"Due to societal pressure, most middle-class families exhaust their savings or get into debt by the time they host a wedding. And this is not at all necessary," he points out.
Those who wish to attend the wedding can tune into Anil Geela's social media accounts where it will be live-streamed on Saturday at 8 am.
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