The guestbook is something that people have come to expect at a wedding.  Today a guestbook serves simply as a nice reminder of who attended the wedding. However, it didn’t begin that way. The guestbook was originally designed to keep record of all the witnesses to the union. It was something was mandatory that tradition has adopted and changed over time. In addition to no longer being regulated to keep record of witnesses, it also no longer has to be an actual book. There are many variations of the guestbook that time and creativity has brought us.

There are so many options you can use in place of a book of signatures.  There are also many ways to spruce up that plain book if you’d prefer to stick closer to tradition. This article is to discuss those alternatives.

One of the more popular versions I have seen is the personalized photo book. Some couples will choose to do it entirely of engagement photos, where others may want pictures throughout the duration on the relationship. In addition to that baby pictures can also be included. It is a spruce up to the traditional book. This option can be completely done online, which is an added convenience it has over some other options.

Another common alternative is matting an enlarged picture of the couple. The picture should be matted extra wide (3 inches+). This allows adequate space for signatures. Often the picture is set up on an easel with a pen close by. Each guest signs around the picture, ultimately leaving a nostalgic piece of art for your wall.

For my own personal wedding I used an alternative similar to a matted picture, but with a unique twist. The distinct difference is in place of a cardboard matting is an engravable metal.  Guests use a special pen that etches their signature into the shiny border. It is simple and easy; you write just as if it was a regular pen. However, in the end signatures will not fade which was its main appeal to me.

Something that is gaining interest among military people is using luggage tags in place of the book as symbolism of the travels connected to being in the military. Guests write what they would on to a luggage tag. Later a scrapbook is created using the tags as memory sake you can pull out with convenience to show people and to reminisce back on.  A beautiful bride to be, Amanda Whipple, that I had the privilege of talking to brought this alternative to my attention and told me how she made the idea her own.  In place of luggage tags Amanda and husband to be, Kadance, will have the guest put their kind words on to postcards. 

Creating a collage on poster board that guest can sign is slightly less popular, but a terrific alternative. In addition to that you can create your own book transforming a common binder into a beautiful guestbook unique to you. Sairah, an intelligent bride that recently married into my husband’s family, was kind enough to share what she did. She used black paper and neon colors for the guests to sign with.

There are so many more options. All you have to do is look. The possibilities are only limited by your creativity. Many alternatives are nice to the wallet as well; many can be DIY projects. If none of these ideas are for you just browse the internet and you undoubtedly will find even more ideas.

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