Sara Ali Khan recently attended the pre-wedding celebrations of Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant, accompanied by her family. During the event, Sara made fashion statements with several different looks, from pearl-while gowns, and all-black top-pants to a traditional salwar suit. The actress, granddaughter of Sharmila Tagore, chose to wear an outfit from her grandmother’s collection this time. She expressed her gratitude towards her ‘badi amma’ for allowing her to wear the stunning attire, which was a zardosi golden-border suit in pastel pink colour, re-invented by Manish Malhotra.
The ensemble consisted of a short anarkali kurta paired with a churidaar, giving Sara an elegant look. She also carried a matching pink dupatta, with a thick golden zardosi border in the same fabric. The zardosi suit had a raised collar, laced with golden work and full sleeves with golden-zardosi work at the cuffs. Her kurta’s hemline also had the same golden border, balancing the overall look perfectly for her.
To complement the outfit, Sara wore a pair of statement-heavy chandbalis in golden colour. It had kundan details and green dangling pearls. She also wore a matching kundan maang tikka and a sizable, golden finger-ring, adding a touch of glamour.
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