5 Things A Bride Should Do After She Gets Engaged

Congratulations on your engagement! The very word *engaged* implies that you're involved in a flurry of to-dos while wading through a sea of bridal magazines trying to figure out the difference between Venetian and Chantilly lace and calling your florist to discuss a shade of peach. There is good news! Planning your wedding is NOT impossible. Over 2 million couples in the US do it every year so you can too! Start with this list of 5 things to give you a strong start to your wedding planning.

First: Decide on your overall budget. I know it's the "B" word, but budget doesn't mean cheap or limiting. I hear brides say, "I'm planning a wedding on a budget," and they say it as if they're embarrassed or with the attitude of defeat because they feel they will be limited to something cheap. If you come to me and say you are on a budget, I say, "Good for you!" "Budget Bride" means you know what you can spend, you're smart, you're savvy, you think outside the box, you're responsible...it does not say you're cheap. Determining a budget actually gives you freedom because it gives you a guide as you plan. Without a budget it leaves you either "lost" or spinning out of control. And knowing what you CAN buy will save you the pain of falling in love with something you can't afford. There are great sites online where you can put in your wedding budget and it will break down the amount that you should spend on each category. 

Second: Secure your ceremony site if it will be different from your reception location. The ceremony is the most important part of the day. Where will you exchange vows and make this union official? Book it! Who will marry the two of you? Get that person on the books, too!

Third: Secure your reception venue. If you have a place that you absolutely love and it's very popular, book it as soon as possible. Sometimes, you may have to set your wedding date around the availability of your venue.

Fourth: Bring on the wedding planner! Now is the time to bring on a consultant while you are in the beginning stages of your planning. Don't wait until the last minute or you may not find anyone available to help you organize and sort through all your details. Bring your wedding planner to the table early on so he/she can capture your vision from the beginning and watch it grow with you!

Fifth: Secure your photographer! Remember when booking photographers, multiple people can be inquiring about the same day. Once you find the one you like, be sure to line them up with a contract as soon as possible.

Now...get busy!!

Views: 173

Comment by Jennifer Slack on November 7, 2012 at 4:27pm

Great tips Darlene for guiding newly engaged couples!  There is just one more tip I'd like to see added to the list for engaged couples to think about: Premarital Counseling.

As a planner over the last 7 years I have found that this has been omited by a lot of offeciants, at least in my area.  Offeciants in churches in particular have noticed this becuase of the lack of religion based living more and more.

One thing I did to help guide couples was encourage the groom to be apart of the wedding planning. In fact, it was one of my requirements for certain phases of the planning. I'd say to the Groom..."If you can't plan your wedding together, then why are you getting married?" {I'd pause for a little bit and then say} "There are going to be times in your marriage that you have to make big decisions together {and I'd given an example}...another pause...then say "If you can't make wedding planning decisions together right now, so that it reflects the two of you, then how are you going to be in your marriage when these events arise?" I am happy to say that all of my grooms I have said this too became fare more active from this point foward in the plannig.....and ENJOYED IT!

Couples don't see the value of Premarital Counseling these days, and most likely don't realize their are different types of  premarital planning that is available to them today, thanks to the internet. Allowing this process to be more private then the ole traditional group setting or only with a pastor.

I don't wish upon any young bride to go through what I personally have had to learn the hardway!!! And have wittensed in many other brides over the years.

So I am on a mission to ecncourage all brides to understand and see the value in this step that shouldn't be forgotten or omited during the engagment period.


Comming soon www.lovethymarriagesoul.com

P.S Thanks Darlene for getting lighting the spark in me so that I know what my first blog post will be in regards with just joining BT. :)

Comment by Darlene Taylor on November 8, 2012 at 1:47pm

Thank you for your response Jennifer! You have a good point. I had marriage counseling with my then fiance before we got married. Though I thought it was "silly" it opened up some discussion and  prepared us for those first couple of years. It was well worth it and I DO ask couples if they've considered it. Glad I could fan your flame! Good Luck on your first blog post! ;)

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