5 Life-saving Hacks To Save Your Precious Money While Attending Weddings!

The 'e' in wedding stands for expensive. Planning a wedding is an expensive affair for the couple, with the wedding decor, flower walls, wedding photography, wedding flowers, wedding catering adding up to exorbitant amounts. But it is an equally pricey affair for the guests. It has been seen that Indian weddings are the costliest and Indian Wedding Invitations are the prettiest!Research further suggests that British guests are forced to move out of their house because they use all of their money to buy the wedding dresses, wedding gifts, paying for the accommodation, etc.

We bring to you some hacks to save your money while making the most of your favourite couple’s wedding!

Reuse old wedding dresses

According to popular opinion, an average wedding dress costs somewhere around $280 to $1630. For a person for whom every penny counts, this is a hefty price. So the best way to cut down the cost of your wedding dress is to revamp your old dresses and create something sizzling. You can even wear the same dress with different accessories to give it a new look!

Plan a wedding budget:

With a defined amount of income, it is a healthy practice to plan a budget for every month. It provides you with a list of possible expenses and saves you from spending your money carelessly. Following a budget will allow you to plan ahead for any event. It will also permit you to spend only however much your pocket allows.

Pool a gift

Yes, you heard it right! Just like you pool a car, you can pool a wedding gift. It is the best strategy if you’re attending a common friend’s wedding. Not only will you save up on individual gifting costs but end up gifting something worthwhile with all the pooled in money. It will also save the couple from truck load piles of gifts!

In-house accommodation

Research has shown that guests end up paying for their own accommodation expenses because they aren’t aware of the arrangements made for them at the wedding venue. So, be prepared beforehand and ask the hosts if they have made some relevant arrangements too.

Go the check-or-cash way

It is a task to pick out the perfect gift for the perfect couple. And what if after all your strenuous working through, the tea set you chose, had already been gifted by someone else? So write them a check or hand in cash. It will save you from the additional costs of gift registry, the draining process of picking the perfect gift and give them the liberty to buy what they need.

To the couple,
switch to PDF. This a great way saving on your wedding costs. It reduces tangible waste, allows you to treasure the wedding invitation forever and some invites just look so pretty in soft copies, like the Indian wedding invitations.

If planned properly, a wedding is not that costly an event. All you need to do is be vigilant about your budget and mindful of the ways in which you can do things differently!

Happy wedding!

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