Kerryn Tippett's Blog (177)

kids table

Gosh my brides are smart!

At a wedding rehearsal recently I was lucky enough to get a sneak peak of the reception room and, apart from being gorgeously decorated, I saw a very smart idea. The table for the little ones was placed right at the front and each setting had a pencil case with the child's name filled with coloured pencils and a colouring in book (age and sex… Continue

Added by Kerryn Tippett on June 7, 2011 at 5:03pm — No Comments

up in the air

Kez is a young modern marriage celebrant

So you've decided to make your walk down the aisle a bit "wow" with confetti and you've come across a big stumbling block. A confetti ban.

Believe it or not such bans do exist and while we love a happy bride you can understand there are certain factors, not the less environmental ones, that mean a venue would consider denying you a confetti… Continue

Added by Kerryn Tippett on April 21, 2011 at 12:46am — No Comments

how to tell if you are a modern bride

Kez is a young marriage celebrant based in Newcastle

10. You have skyped at least one of your wedding service providers

9. The first website you hit when you got engaged was ebay

8. You created a guest list using events on facebook

7. You paid for at least one thing for your wedding via paypal

6. You co-ordinated your bridesmaid… Continue

Added by Kerryn Tippett on March 29, 2011 at 4:04pm — No Comments

digital save the dates

Kez is a young marriage celebrant based in Newcastle

My girlfriend found Digitives when looking for a birth announcement card for her little one.

The idea is simple, cost effective and a great alternative if the budget doesn't allow for the cost of having them made through an invitation business or you can't spare the time to get crazy with the craft glue… Continue

Added by Kerryn Tippett on January 26, 2011 at 6:51pm — No Comments

Working and Wedd

oh if only I was a royal...

Recent news has Kate Middleton quitting her job so she can focus on making her wedding "fresh and new"

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Added by Kerryn Tippett on January 24, 2011 at 1:46pm — No Comments

secret spending

Kez is a young marriage celebrant based in Newcastle


80% of married couples may hide purchases and spending from their partners according to a 2010 survey by CESI Debt Solutions. This article from CNN Money suggests that not telling your partner where and what you are spending…


Added by Kerryn Tippett on January 2, 2011 at 1:49pm — No Comments

all about you outdoor weddings

Kez is a young marriage celebrant based in Newcastle

One of the great things about being a marriage celebrant is that I am always being introduced to new businesses around town. If hubby and I ever decided to do a renewal I would literally be spoilt for choice.

Over the weekend I performed a ceremony at Coon Island, Swansea (A new discovery in itself and one that I will blog on later this week...) and… Continue

Added by Kerryn Tippett on November 21, 2010 at 2:13pm — No Comments

entertaining your guests
Kez is a young marriage celebrant based in Newcastle

The moment between your wedding and the reception can be a tricky one. As the bride and groom you are most likely going to be whisked away for a frenzy of photos and take your bridal party with you, but what about the people you leave behind?

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Added by Kerryn Tippett on November 2, 2010 at 11:33am — No Comments

make an entrance on your wedding day

Kez is a young marriage celebrant based in Newcastle Australia

First impressions count right? I mean, you don't step into a job interview with your pluggers and favourite trackies on so why shouldn't you make a splash when it comes to transport on your wedding day. It is quite possibly the biggest "look at me" moment of your life so there are some advantages to blowing the… Continue

Added by Kerryn Tippett on October 31, 2010 at 9:14pm — No Comments

who is responsible

Kez is a young Newcastle marriage celebrant

I get asked a lot of questions by brides. Some actually relating to wedding ceremonies and some not. I try and be as helpful as I can, where I can.

Recently, a bride asked me about a policy her venue had. She was to nominate a person to be "responsible" should any of her guests be intoxicated and require removal from the premises. …


Added by Kerryn Tippett on October 6, 2010 at 3:11pm — No Comments

weddings and photography

Kate Ritchie was married on the weekend. Being a celebrity there was a lot of interest in her photos. In fact, she was offered up to $500,000 to sign an exclusive deal with a woman's mag. That would probably pay for the wedding and then some..

Now most of us don't have Cleo or Womans Day banging on the door for our wedding snaps but when it comes to your wedding photos you should make sure you are aware of your rights and the photographers about using images in publicity, advertising… Continue

Added by Kerryn Tippett on September 27, 2010 at 6:48pm — No Comments

All About Kez

With all the new facebook "likers" (hello and welcome by the way!) I thought It was about time to revisit who I am, why I became a celebrant, and what I do when it comes to weddings.

I became a celebrant in 2009, yes I'm a relative newbie but I've had a long history of talking in public. Over several… Continue

Added by Kerryn Tippett on September 14, 2010 at 6:51pm — 1 Comment

a wedding rap
Kez is a young marriage celebrant based in Newcastle

When a couple really think outside the box, that excites me. Suprises at weddings are what can make them the most memorable and youtube(able) moments, especially when it comes from something so inheritly unique to the couple.

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Added by Kerryn Tippett on September 13, 2010 at 6:02pm — No Comments

just the coolest
Kez is a young marriage celebrant based in Newcastle

I had the pleasure of performing a commitment ceremony on Saturday. An amazing, touching moment that I was thrilled to be part of.
But, the thing that wow'd me and mad me so gleeful was the twist the couple had given to their seating arrangements.

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Added by Kerryn Tippett on September 5, 2010 at 5:34pm — No Comments


You've heard of honeymoon.. the romantic after wedding vacation that allows you and your partner a moment of solace, where you can come down from the wedding high and actually celebrate your marriage privately.. but have you heard of a buddymoon?
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Added by Kerryn Tippett on August 29, 2010 at 5:31pm — No Comments

info@wedbykez.comwww.wedbykez.comkez is a young marriage celebrant based in NewcastleWith Australia just "hanging around" waiting for a government to be formed it is such an interesting time for the …

kez is a young marriage celebrant based in Newcastle

With Australia just "hanging around" waiting for a government to be formed it is such an interesting time for the definition of marriage within a country. Over the next few days a Government, may or may not be formed, with alliances to 4 independents and 1 green. Now politics may excite you, or it may be as interesting as a trip to the dentist. Regardless,… Continue

Added by Kerryn Tippett on August 22, 2010 at 5:07pm — No Comments

info@wedbykez.comwww.wedbykez.comKez is a young Newcastle marriage celebrant.It's a strange thing to say I know, but I also believe in being realistic.Read more here
Kez is a young Newcastle marriage celebrant.

It's a strange thing to say I know, but I also believe in being realistic.

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Added by Kerryn Tippett on August 16, 2010 at 3:36pm — No Comments

music to rock your reception

Kez is a young marriage celebrant based in Newcastle

Wedding receptions are synonymous with a certain kind of music. Normally the kind you would whinge about your parents playing as a teenager while you painted your room black and swooned to the Twilight equivalent heartthrob of your generation.

But when it comes to creating a vibe at your reception that will have people laughing, and more amazingly… Continue

Added by Kerryn Tippett on August 3, 2010 at 5:10pm — No Comments

missing something

Kez is a young marriage celebrant based in Newcastle

For those of you who read my facebook and follow me on twitter you won't be surprised that I am drawing a comparison between wedding planning and MasterChef.

Seriously, Kez, what can a cooking show and a wedding have in… Continue

Added by Kerryn Tippett on August 1, 2010 at 9:00pm — No Comments

i do.. now what do I do
Kez is a young marriage celebrant based in Newcastle

I posted this blog almost a year ago but I thought it was worth a revisit. Congratulations, you're engaged!

First things first - kiss that…

Added by Kerryn Tippett on July 26, 2010 at 1:17pm — No Comments

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