Kerryn Tippett's Blog – September 2009 Archive (21)

design your wedding ring in your pjs

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Thanks to Carlee from Snobs for the link

I am a google bride. I have wikipedia'd how to write vows, google'd table settings and bing'd speech etiquette. Anything that allows me to finalise my wedding details in the comfort and "hassle free" environment of my own home - is a good thing.

And that's why I love the following. Jewelers have got onboard to help and iBride… Continue

Added by Kerryn Tippett on September 28, 2009 at 10:57am — 1 Comment

introducing BridezUnited

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Sometimes it takes a bride to know what a bride is going through.. friends and family just don't get it because they either are "full up" of wedding stuff or it's been too long since their own wedding to remember the trauma and drama of a wedding day.

And that is where the internet is heaven sent.

get help where you can

Bridal forums and chat boards give you a chance to vent (anonymously if need be) or… Continue

Added by Kerryn Tippett on September 27, 2009 at 3:09pm — No Comments

wedding spanners

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Today, exactly 8 days from the wedding I had my first spanner in the works.

It wasn't a wardrobe malfunction, or a catering error or even a misplaced wedding ring (phew!) but nevertheless it was an unexpected glitch in what all together has been smooth sailing when it comes to our wedding planning.

So I know you are wondering did I handle it with dignity and grace? scream the house down? chuck a… Continue

Added by Kerryn Tippett on September 24, 2009 at 2:46pm — No Comments

spanx for that

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At my sisters wedding last year I wore a body shaper under my silk dress.

Well, actually I bought a cheap bodyshaper from just a run of the mill department store and I got exactly what I paid for.

A bodyshaper that by the end of the night was somewhere around my midriff (allah Bridget Jones Edge of Reason) and was desperately uncomfortable for the entire evening.

So, thank heavens, that just 11… Continue

Added by Kerryn Tippett on September 22, 2009 at 12:03pm — No Comments

every dog has it's wedding day

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And they think Bridezilla's are bad.. well sometimes pet owners are just as passionate and proud of their pets as any wedding-crazed bride to be and so a much loved pooch or persian should become part of your special day.

But you can't just had a 3 foot Doberman rock up at the Church unannounced. Here's somethings to take into account when planning a wedding with… Continue

Added by Kerryn Tippett on September 21, 2009 at 6:30pm — No Comments

rainy day weddings (one's movie story)

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I wrote in a recent tweet that I wouldn't mind if it rained on our wedding day. In fact, some photographers prefer a little cloud about for great shots.

dont it rain on your parade

Sian, a friend and blogger, was able to share some of her experiences with the best wedding she went to - which happened to… Continue

Added by Kerryn Tippett on September 20, 2009 at 3:30pm — No Comments

marriage quotes from the movies

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I love quirky little indy films, I love them even more for their inspiration and fantastic writing.

The below quote from Garden State (written and directed by Zac Braff) is totally relateable and sums out the phase in our lives when we grow out of "mum and dad" and start searching for the place where we belong.

Garden State

"You know that point in your life when you realize the house you… Continue

Added by Kerryn Tippett on September 19, 2009 at 12:03am — No Comments

introducing Bride Time

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Forget Dr Who and his Time And Relative Dimensions in Space I have discovered something far more amazing.

It's called Bride Time and it is the almost astonishing way that time disappears between your engagement and your wedding. Literally just a snap of fingers and "poof" you are two weeks from your wedding… Continue

Added by Kerryn Tippett on September 17, 2009 at 1:10am — 1 Comment

down to the nitty gritty

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Let's face it. Guys don't understand underwear or how important it can be in creating the perfect outfit and avoiding VPL (Visible Panty Lines). So when it comes to your wedding - when you tell your fiance how much you spent on underwear he might choke, cough and mutter but a sensible girl knows it money well spent.

these guys are huge fans of the bra...

So let's talk bras (and no fellas I am not putting pics up - you can google… Continue

Added by Kerryn Tippett on September 16, 2009 at 1:07am — No Comments

have some fun when you seat to eat

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My fiance is a bit of a genius.. or so he tells me. But he did have a wild idea that could work as a fun way to spice up your reception and do away with all seating plans, charts and stress!

Introducing a world first.... SPEED SEATING!

get your guests to mingle

Your guests are invited into the reception and told to sit wherever they like. After each course is served the guests are required to up and move… Continue

Added by Kerryn Tippett on September 13, 2009 at 11:30pm — No Comments

say it with a song

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Picking a poem, or reading for a wedding can be difficult.

I mean, let's face it not many of us consider a good night at home a glass of red and a copy of EE Cummings. No, think about your last good night.. was it out? on the dancefloor or at a resteraunt or club or concert?

No, I'm not for one minute suggestion midway through the ceremony you hit play on Akon's latest "Sexy Chic"… Continue

Added by Kerryn Tippett on September 12, 2009 at 11:22pm — No Comments

don't forget to get married

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what are you worrying about?

Speaking with some brides-to-be this week who are all within 8 weeks of their wedding we share a common fear. The "what have I forgotten" fear and that's understandable.

Since our engagements we have been planning, arranging, rearranging, designing and redesigning, crying, laughing, sweating, budgeting and just about any other "ing" you can add to a verb. A wedding is a lot of work! So… Continue

Added by Kerryn Tippett on September 12, 2009 at 12:09am — No Comments

save money on your wedding without even trying

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You can have the dress of your dreams, arrive in a stretch hummer decked out in Beyonce bling, have a massive entourage of a bridal party, seven bridesmaid, two page boys , three flowergirls, one junior bridesmaid and two well-dressed poodles.

In fact, you could have them all dress in Vera Wang if you wanted! Smash Royal Doulton plates in your plate ceremony, have bonbonniere from Tiffany’s! You can try and fly… Continue

Added by Kerryn Tippett on September 10, 2009 at 4:15pm — No Comments

the bride i never thought I would be

Eating your words now?

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The thoughts of Ami in her puff pieces blog have me thinking...

Today I am 30 and about to embark on a journey so far removed where I thought I would be 3, 5 , 10 years ago that is almost makes chalk and cheese look compatible.

So in answer to the question "… Continue

Added by Kerryn Tippett on September 8, 2009 at 5:30pm — No Comments

Monitum: Law Vs Belief

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To quote directly from the Australian Marriage Act 1961 the celebrant performing the ceremony is required to "explain the nature of marriage relationship" in the following way

(1) Subject to subsection (2), before a marriage is solemnized by or in the presence of an authorized celebrant, not being a minister of religion of a recognized denomination, the authorized celebrant… Continue

Added by Kerryn Tippett on September 7, 2009 at 7:14pm — No Comments

Pop the question with Pizzazz

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Bless you-tube and the proposals that have been uploaded. When it comes to popping the question the bar has been lifted! If you're planning to pop the Big Question - check out the below for bigger than Ben Hur productions!

Cinematic Proposal…


Added by Kerryn Tippett on September 6, 2009 at 2:01pm — No Comments

Bridesmaid's Revenge (Hens Night Game)

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Thank you to Cass for filling me in on this one.

I'm not sure if this is called "Bridesmaids Revenge" or "Pegs" but I really like the idea. Plus, if you have a Bride who is caught up in the planning it's a great way to keep her off topic and having fun come the Hen's Night.

Each girl is given a number of Pegs which they were on their clothing throughout the night. Along… Continue

Added by Kerryn Tippett on September 5, 2009 at 9:56pm — 1 Comment

a celebrant or a monkey? are you paying peanuts

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whos conducting your ceremony?

Talking to a fellow celebrant over coffee on Friday we both discovered a trait of all brides when contacting a celebrant for the first time. The first question every bride wants to know straight up is "how much do you cost?"

I feel like I should be answering in a split personality here, as a celebrant and as a frugal bride-to-be whose been wearing holes… Continue

Added by Kerryn Tippett on September 4, 2009 at 11:43pm — No Comments

one bride's tradition is another bride's inspiration

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I met with a lovely couple this week who are busy planning a January wedding. Amongst the discussions the bride-to-be mentioned a cultural tradition of the groom delivering gifts to the bride on the wedding morning.

For me, this was a special and unique inclusion to a wedding day, but to the couple it was a "old hat" and "traditional" and they were looking to breakfree of the cultural norm.

The cogs in my… Continue

Added by Kerryn Tippett on September 3, 2009 at 12:48am — No Comments

work smarter with your wedding colours

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Having a little trouble deciding on which shade of taupe to match to lilac? Not sure to go with Misty Morning Dew or Hulla Blue (yes these are real colours)

mix and match

Well, why not have some fun , let your imagination go wild and dream up the most amazing wedding colour combos using tools available online and at the home.

Go Wild

Any art… Continue

Added by Kerryn Tippett on September 1, 2009 at 10:24pm — No Comments

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