Kerryn Tippett's Blog – June 2010 Archive (9)

it’s my wedding (and I’ll cry if I want to)

Kez is young marriage celebrant based in Newcastle

Whether you're a guest or the bride or the groom don't think you are impervious to tears at a wedding.

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Added by Kerryn Tippett on June 23, 2010 at 7:46pm — No Comments

engaged and indebted

Kez is a young marriage celebrant based in Newcastle

A Daily Telegraph article this morning indictated that newlyweds are starting off their married life, with one big wedding debt.

On average, weddings run about 15% over the expected budget and the cost of… Continue

Added by Kerryn Tippett on June 21, 2010 at 6:29pm — No Comments

when is eternity?

Kez is a young marriage celebrant based in Newcastle

There is some interesting debate around at the moment as to when is the right time to receive your eternity ring.

We women are a bit like that when it comes to bling, the sooner the better and Jewellers think so too - after all they want you back in year to buy more diamonds!

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Added by Kerryn Tippett on June 20, 2010 at 7:01pm — No Comments

more than the wedding

Kez is a young marriage celebrant based in Newcastle

Who knew that getting married also meant holding showers, parties, teas? Well, in truth it doesn't. These are all things that may have happened traditionally but, as I have said before, tradition should be thrown out the window if it's not the wedding you want.

But first you need to know about what each event is, before you decide whether or… Continue

Added by Kerryn Tippett on June 15, 2010 at 5:20pm — No Comments

venue: hunter valley gardens, waterfall outlook

Kez is a young Marriage Celebrant based in Newcastle

Located in the heart of the Hunter Valley the Hunter Valley Gardens are a favourite for brides not only locally, but from all over New South Wales, and the world.

The gardens themselves hold numerous outdoor, and indoor areas within which to hold your ceremony. Which is why I have chosen to focus on one area, the… Continue

Added by Kerryn Tippett on June 14, 2010 at 6:58pm — No Comments

defining your dress code

Kez is a young marriage celebrant based in Newcastle


Defining your dress code for a wedding may seem, to you, like a silly thing to do. However, nowadays, with the fashion rule book out the window, giving your guests an idea of how you expect them to be dressed can save a lot of stress on the actual day.

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Added by Kerryn Tippett on June 8, 2010 at 4:58pm — No Comments

is your groom wearing a marf?

Kez is a young marriage celebrant based in Newcastle

It was splashed across this morning that "marfs" are now all the range.

And funnily enough, at the wedding I performed on…


Added by Kerryn Tippett on June 6, 2010 at 2:25pm — No Comments

tips to be tiredness

Kez is a young marriage celebrant based in Newcastle

There's no doubt that your wedding day is one the happiest and most exhausting days of your life. So to make sure you're not snoozing into your soup starter at the reception here are some tips for before and during the wedding to keep you bright and lively.

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Added by Kerryn Tippett on June 2, 2010 at 5:30pm — No Comments

who paid for what

Kez is a young marriage celebrant based in Newcastle

This is not so much a blog as an open discussion. I am generally confused when it comes to the bridal party and who pays for what.

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Added by Kerryn Tippett on June 1, 2010 at 6:35pm — 1 Comment

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