This starts with you, telling me, want you want. After you tell me what you want, I'll do an analysis, and I'll then tell you what you need.

Levels of service offered:
  • Social Media Tune-Up: This includes an evaluation and customized report that will summarize the strengths and weaknesses of your social media marketing. I will give you specific recommendations on how to maximize your social media's effectiveness. The fee for this services is $299.00 and the report is sent to you within 12 business days. A 45-minute conference call is included after you receive the report to ensure that you clearly understand the comments and recommendations.
  • Additional Marketing Tune-Ups: I also offer an evaluation, customized report and 45-minute conference call for additional marketing topics that include Advertising, Wedding Blogs, Wedding Websites, Email Marketing and Branding.  I will give you specific recommendations on how to maximize your marketing's effectiveness. The fee for this services is $299.00 and the report is sent to you within 12 business days.
    • Ongoing Marketing Therapy: The idea here is to keep you on track. Review new trends, ideas, materials, competition issues, and more. It also keeps you on my radar and I'll reach out to you as I hear of things that may be helpful to you. Frequency of consultation depends where you are in your particular marketing program. As often as once monthly, but not less than once per quarter is a good schedule for most businesses.  This service is offered at $250 for the first month and $150 for each additional month. 

    Last updated by Christine Dyer Sep 26, 2010.

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