Sharon Gilchrest O'Neill, LMFT

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Wedding Vendor
A little about yourself and what you have to offer this wedding community?
My little book, "A Short Guide to a Happy Marriage" (Boston Globe #1 pick) is the most beautiful wedding gift book to give in lieu of a card, and a gift that a couple will cherish and have forever up on a bookshelf. Designed by Cider Mill Press, it's hard cover is of shimmering, raised wedding bands, with "tiffany blue" start and end pages, and touching black and white photographs throughout -- it's style and content are unique in the market.
As a marriage therapist for years, I distilled what I had learned from my clients (and from my own marriage of 26 years) into twenty highly useful and inspiring suggestions (in the style of Anna Quindlen's "A Short Guide to a Happy Life).
My website, will give you further information about me and my book. You'll see there that every Thursday I post a simple behavior suggestion with the theme of: being nicer to your spouse than to anyone else in the world. I think your readers would be interested!
Do you have a wedding website, blog, or registry link?
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Pound Ridge
New York
United States

Comment Wall:

  • Rebecca Wellings Weddings

    Welcome from Rebecca Wellings Weddings ! Your book sounds very helpful to all couples.I look forward to visiting your blog. Hope you will have a chance to visit my wedding website . Rebecca Wellings Weddings offers great savings on invitations,accessories,personalized gifts all with personalized service.
    All the best,
    Susan Michael Bartlett
    Rebecca Wellings Weddings
  • Rebecca Wellings Weddings

    Thank you Sharon for visiting my site. I was able to see your blog and your site. Wonderful and very simple advice. I am so impressed and thankful for your work with professionals who founded the first freestanding hospice. You are to be commended. Hospice is one of my favorite charities.

    Susan - Rebecca Wellings Weddings
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