Cakes Confidential

Profile Information:

Membership Category
Wedding Vendor
A little about yourself and what you have to offer this wedding community?
We're dedicated to creating the best fake cakes for weddings and celebrations nationwide. In this wedding community we'd love to share advice with members about wedding cakes, fake wedding cakes, an diy wedding cake tips.
Do you have a wedding website, blog, or registry link?
Wedding Vendors - Tell Us the Service That You Offer Brides
City (Do not abbreviate.)
New York
New York
United States

Comment Wall:

  • Nadya Furnari

    Hey! Thanks for the kind worda and for adding my site! I have added yours as well on my blog under vendors!! Yuor business idea is awesome!
  • Nadya Furnari

    Just FYI i dont know if its me but the preferred vendors links on yourpage are showing up weird, with symbols instead of words lol
  • Budget Wise Bride

    Hi! I really admire the concept of your business! I am also targeted toward budget brides, and I would love to write an article featuring your business in my blog. If you are interested, I can also make you a featured vendor on my homepage (but this there is a waiting list for). Can we work out some sort of link exchange?