Leslie Harris-Senac

Sarasota, FL

United States

Profile Information:

Membership Category
Wedding Vendor
A little about yourself and what you have to offer this wedding community?
I am creating Cinematic & Documentary Wedding Videos my 22 years of professional video production experience. Also, I can produce a promotional video for your business and website. Video is a great sales tool. "ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING VIDEO!"
Do you have a wedding website, blog, or registry link?
Wedding Vendors - Tell Us the Service That You Offer Brides
City (Do not abbreviate.)
United States

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  • In True Colors Photography

    Hi Leslie, and thank you for your reply. When would be a good time to call tomorrow? I will be busy between 1 and 4, but i can call before or after. Please let me know.

    Thank you!
  • In True Colors Photography

    Hi Leslie! I will try calling you on Monday, between 11 and 1, would that work?
    I have one bride who doesn't have a video person. I have no videographer on my list of vendors. Shame on me!!
    Her wedding is in November, and i told her i'll do my research and let her know who i can find. Also, it appears that she's on the budget, i don't know what you charge, or if you can work out any deals. I would be glad to give her your email/phone number and you're welcome to give her a call.
    At this point, the bride is in Ohio, and i'm dealing with her MIL, so all contacts are through her. Bride will be here on Sept. 1st, and i will be meeting her that day. The wedding will be held in Englewood at Boca Royal Golf Club, and ceremony at the Englewood United Methodist Church court yard (not in the church)
    I would like to give her a list of my vendors by Tuesday.

    Thanks again for your reply!
  • In True Colors Photography

    Hi Leslie, i sent your information to Margaret, the MIL of the bride.
    She sounded interested.
    Her phone number: 941-683-6318
    The best time to give her a call probably around 8pm. Hope you can work something out for her!!

    Thank you!