Janet P. Frye CFD


Asheville, NC

United States

Profile Information:

Membership Category
Wedding Vendor
A little about yourself and what you have to offer this wedding community?
Professional florist with over 30 years experience, now specializing in weddings.
Do you have a wedding website, blog, or registry link?
Wedding Vendors - Tell Us the Service That You Offer Brides
City (Do not abbreviate.)
North Carolina
United States

Comment Wall:

  • TheDapperTie.com

    Your welcome. I'm new too. Just found this site two day ago and I think it's great! What I'm doing is adding friends (mostly other vendors) to my network. I hope all of this work will pay off. I have also read some good blogs on from experienced vets. We just have to get in there and make it happen.
  • Sheryl Finnerty

    Hello Janet,
    I looked at your website it's very nice. I see you are with Flower Shop Network too, how do you like them? I joined in December, so far doing pretty good. However I didn't add their website until this month. I already had one up and running.

    Beautiful weather here today, high of 59 bringing hopes of spring. I always get so much done when the sun is out. Prior to 2 days ago it was murky, cold and cloudy all of my creative thoughts went right out the window. Would love to talk more with you.
