

Roslindale, MA

United States

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Wedding Vendor
A little about yourself and what you have to offer this wedding community?
Meaningful conflict managment for the wedding experience!

Because a wedding is significant to everyone involved, highly charged emotions and complex motivations can arise and challenge important relationships.

My honor, my work, is to help you preserve relationships and remove obstacles that could prevent you from experiencing the deep joy of the day. I work with brides, wedding planners and wedding professions everywhere, who want to be more confident about managing and positively resolve issues and challenges of a wedding.

Because I am a seasoned mediator with 17 years of experience who has trained over 1000 people, you'll gain powerful skills and tactics to get to the heart of the matter and find the right words or actions to solve it, making your wedding experience happier.


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Wedding Vendors - Tell Us the Service That You Offer Brides
Relationship Coach
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United States

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  • My Lovely Paperie

    nice pictures!
  • Heidi Thompson

    Hi Dina,

    I must say that I love your website there is so much good info on it! I'm new to this market and my business is new here (I always worked for someone in the US) but I have noticed a few differences. Dresses here are ridiculously expensive for one. If I can recommend one thing to brides its to find your dress, then order it online and just have it altered here. Weddings don't seem to be as big of an ordeal and I don't think rehearsals are common, but I'm sure there is someone out there who will prove me wrong. That being said, there are tons of wedding vendors so the market is there and I suppose it really varies whether you're dealing with a small-town couple or a posh London couple. My business is near Cambridge so there is a mix of small villages and then the city of Cambridge. But, like I said I'm a newbie so we shall see. The national average for wedding budgets here is comparable to the US but I think things are more expensive. Any good marketing tips for newbies? I'm registered for 3 wedding fairs starting this Sunday which I think is a good start. I'm very much open to ideas though :)

  • Heidi Thompson

    Yes, I think google is the most-used. Thanks for the advice. I had been looking at both of those marketing systems but I really don't have the extra capital to sink into them at the moment. Maybe after a few clients I'll get one of them. Is there one that you prefer over the other? What is the edge that those marketing programs have that can't be found elsewhere?
