Brad Johnson

Profile Information:

Membership Category
Wedding Vendor
A little about yourself and what you have to offer this wedding community?
We sell low cost, high quality wedding dresses, bridal accessories and tuxedos both online at and in our physical store in Flint, Michigan. We have thousands of products to choose from.
Do you have a wedding website, blog, or registry link?
Wedding Vendors - Tell Us the Service That You Offer Brides
City (Do not abbreviate.)
United States

Comment Wall:

  • Rebecca Wellings Weddings

    Hi Brad,
    Welcome from Rebecca Wellings Weddings ! I look forward to learning more about your business. Hope you will have a chance to visit my wedding website. All the best,
    Susan Michael Bartlett
    Rebecca Wellings Weddings
  • Rebecca Wellings Weddings

    Would love to network with you. I did look at your site. Great items. I was unable to see your left side navigation or area however , to see if you have a links area where you exchange links. Would be interested and would love to see the rest of your site. Let me know if you are interested. Thanks Susan
  • Rebecca Wellings Weddings

    Brad thanks so much! I have placed a reciprocating link to your site also .You may view here Please let me know if you would prefer a different description by your name. Is it possible to add my name Rebecca Wellings Wedding Invitations to my description ? Also I do not know if you noticed but I am giving a 30% discount on most all of the invitation collections ordered online. Have a great day!
  • Rebecca Wellings Weddings

    Absolutely! Check it out-
  • Rebecca Wellings Weddings

    I am glad you like it! Was it possible to add my name Rebecca Wellings Wedding Invitations as my title and description as : Beautiful Wedding Invitations
    Discounted up to 30% & Personalized
  • Rebecca Wellings Weddings

    Thanks so much! I look forward to seeing it. How long will it take before it shows the changes?
  • Rebecca Wellings Weddings

    Hi Brad,
    Thanks so much! Looks great-Hope you have a nice weekend.
    Rebecca Wellings Weddings
  • Philip Bagnall

    Hi Brad

    Sure no problem i have added you link to me webpage


  • Jamie Greenberg Arlin

    Hi Brad,

    I will add you on to my website. I am in the process of adding a links page onto my site, that will be up in a few weeks.

    Thanks so much for adding my site, and please let me know if you need any design assistance!

    Jamie Arlin
  • Paradiso Flowers

    Hi Brad thank you I will add you. Our link from your site gives an error msg?
  • Tears of Joy Video


    You requested to exchange links. I have added your link here. I would appreciate if you would return the favor.

    Thank you,

  • Tears of Joy Video

  • Tears of Joy Video

    I made the correction
  • Jaime Leigh

    Thank you, I have added you to the links page on my blog. :D
  • Bozilla Cakes

    Hi there, I have added your link to my page. It will show up on the right hand side of the website on every page except the front page and gallery.

    Bozilla Cakes - Everything cake. Description: Choosing a wedding cake has never been so tasty.