Annette James

Profile Information:

Membership Category
Wedding Vendor
A little about yourself and what you have to offer this wedding community?
I will listen to blogs and discussions and offer any comments or experience that may be helpful. I seek to build relationships with other wedding vendors and add vaulue to thier business. I also have specials and offers for the brides and grooms.
Do you have a wedding website, blog, or registry link?
Wedding Vendors - Tell Us the Service That You Offer Brides
City (Do not abbreviate.)
Port St Lucie
United States

Comment Wall:

  • Sandra Aaron

    Hello Annette,

    Thank you for the compliment concerning my blog post and for sending a friend request. As for your question about exchanging links I don't mind; but honestly my web guy is in China at the moment so I don't know how to update the web site myself. I'm DEFINITELY a wedding planner and not a techie. lol :)
  • Whidbey Party Girls!

    Great site Annette, I will keep it in mind when I need favors for events.
  • Maggie Haines

    Annette. Thanks you so much.
    I would very much like to exchange links.
    I went to your site . Its lovely~
  • Maggie Haines

    Good Morning!
    I just went to your website and its fabulous!
    .. Just wanted you to know :)
  • Stephanie@iplanitright

    Absolutely! Thank you for the request! My facebook fan page is and you can follow me on twitter @iplanitright! Thanks!

    Hello Annette,

    Yes. I will gladly exchange links. Have you also tried doing S.E.O. work? Search Engine Optimization. It works wonders. If you go to google and do a search for "nj creative wedding photographer" - due to the work I have done my listing pops up first. And its not something you pay for either. Just a little research and my work. FACEBOOK is great to for exposure. They have something called FACEBOOK WEDDINGS. I also use TWITTER and a few other social networking sites - Wedding Wire and Bridal Tweet!
    Do you have any codes for the link that you would like me to use?
    You can email me the graphic plus code if you have a favorite one.


  • Trina Simmons

    Hi Annette,

    I would love to exchange links and learn more about your affiliate program. My website link is

    I look forward to hearing from you!

  • Kelly Hood

    Hi Annette

    Yes you can add the artical to your website/blog.
    If you could add this with it:

    Boho’s alternative approach will take the stress out of wedding and event planning, saving you time and money.
    So whether you’re simply looking for guidance and inspiring design ideas; if you need a hand sourcing unique goods, services or imaginative venue options, Boho’s creative ‘pick and mix’ of services are tailor made to suit the modern, busy Boho client.
    Do you have a wedding website, blog, or registry link?

    Thanks Kelly xxx
  • Stephanie@iplanitright

    Hi Annette! Thank you for the Bridal Tweet connection! Thank you for following me on twitter and finding me on facebook ! I look forward to your posts!
  • Kelly Hood

    Thanks Annette. xx