Desiree's Custom Sewing

Profile Information:

Membership Category
Wedding Vendor
A little about yourself and what you have to offer this wedding community?
Congratulations on your engagement!

I am a Wedding Dress Alterations Specialist and former Wedding Dressmaker/Designer.

My motto is: "Helping brides achieve the picture perfect look!"

Although, I no longer design and make wedding dresses... I use a combination of skills and techniques acquired in design, dressmaking and alterations, to create a fit comparable to that of having a "custom made" wedding dress. This is the type of fit you need and should expect from your sewing professional.

"I enjoy the bridal business and I love working with brides!"

Looking forward to working with you personally if you are near or can travel to my local area! For those of you who are not near... I will offer my assistance any way I can through my website.

"Wishing you much success in your wedding planning!!!"

Desiree Brown
Do you have a wedding website, blog, or registry link?
Wedding Vendors - Tell Us the Service That You Offer Brides
City (Do not abbreviate.)
United States

Comment Wall:


    Hi glad to connect with you! Please join my fan page on facebook: Gillum Event Planners and my Web Page is Take care, Aimee Gillum

    thanks so much, i appreciate it! here is the link to my fan page, and my web page is : Take care, Aimee Gillum
  • Michele Eddins

    Thank you so much for friend-ing me! I'm not sure if you had a chance to see my actual site: There really is a lot that I can do for dresses and apparel. I'm intensively researching fashion & accessories between the 1500's up through today (Harper's Bazzar/Modern Bride, etc.). I am working with vendors in a few different venues right now, too. Veils, invitations, event planners and hopefully, now you. I'm scanning and redrawing these ideas and putting my own unique ideas and talents to what's out there. As I get these pieces completed they will be photographed and then sent out to each particular vendor AND added to my website. I would be so glad to work with you on any particulars of the dresses that could use my touch. Even to customize buttons I have ideas that would be unique (and striking)! I'm a phone call or an email away and I do hope to hear from you soon.
    thanks, keep warm!
    Michele Eddins
    Floral Compliments
  • Michele Eddins

    I'll be honest. (First, thank you for the compliment and for the understanding about "the time and talent." And back at you for that. I have a God given gift for what I do and you, too. All of us. Our talents didn't just happen.) But back to my first sentence, I am new to this and although my clientele couldn't possibly be happier-- I am a rarity. What I do is rare and unless somehow I'm stumbled upon I'm rarely seen. YES, I WANT TO BE GLOBAL. IN THE WORST WAY. I work with California as well as working with Michigan or Nebraska, remote is not a problem for me. (I'm in the center of UpState NY). Please, (I have no problem begging-'the pride go'eth before the fall'), keep me in mind for any and all customers, here and abroad, who need anything. I'm pretty good at alterations, too. Please feel free to contact me by phone, too. 315-895-0775 or 315-520-1516. I'm not always at the computer. Thanks. God Bless.
    Michele Eddins