What do you give 2nd shooter when the wedding is done? I am still not sure about this and I have tried different things but not sure which is best or the normal practice.

Besides payment, do you give them the original high res files that they took? Or only few (5-10) high res pics?
Or just all low res 800x600 pics?
Do you tell them that wherever they post pictures online they have to credit you as photography company?

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I say that if it is their work, then they should have all high res. If you dominated their style, however, then I would let them pick a few that they wanted but that they need to make note that they worked for your photography company when they did that particular shoot.

That's just my opinion, though. :)
I always have them sign contract transferring all legal rights to me since they are considered freelance photographers.
I take their card, d/l all the images and give card back to them. They can use images for their portfolio. I don't put restrictions, only to give credit to me and my company, if any images are used.
My second shooters can keep their RAW files after giving me a copy, and they can edit and use them for their portfolios. They are not granted the right to resell the photos.
I pay based on experience. None = no $. A lot and I love their images and them personally = $250. I let them use their images any way they like so long as they specifically mention in their blog post that they were working as my 2nd, and link to my website. Has worked great so far!
I rarely second shoot. When I do I use my cards and provide the primary with a disk(s) of the RAW files. Most prefer they be unprocessed so they may process them in their own style. The agreement I generally make is that for any online posting of the images I'll watermark them with: "For XYZ Photography by R. D. Decker Photography." Obviously I will not sell or give any images to the couple of their family. I do retain the right to use the images in portfolio presentations, etc.
They took the shots, they are welcome to use them. I'll download a the raw files after the event, and they can keep their cards. Hell, they don't even have to credit me. I'm not worried about a second stealing business from me because if they were capable of being a lead, they wouldn't be shooting as a second.

I'm a creative fee photographer, so I don't have to sell a single print to cover my basis for the job. I give the B&G a set of disks and also give one to the Bride's family, so the chances of them buying prints from the second is highly unlikely anyway.

As for pay, I pay my seconds $250, and not on a sliding scale. If they aren't worth $250, I won't use them as a second. And the second also doesn't get any credit on the images...


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