
Wedding Officiants

A group for wedding officiants to share news and views from the pews... and beyond! Also, a place for brides to ask questions and connect with officiants.

Members: 52
Latest Activity: Feb 9, 2016

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Inspiring Resources: Video, Audio, & Web Links 2 Replies

Started by Barbara Ann Michaels. Last reply by Rev. Johnny Erato Nov 16, 2010.

Helpful Business Practices for Weddings Officiants 5 Replies

Started by Barbara Ann Michaels. Last reply by Heartfelt Ministries Nov 13, 2010.

ANY Officiants posted a video / film clip /on their Blog page or on a site ? What worked well ? THANKS ! 2 Replies

Started by sarah Bunnett _ Gibson. Last reply by sarah Bunnett _ Gibson Nov 10, 2010.

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Comment by Weddings On Wheels® on November 10, 2010 at 10:57am
I really don't need multiple email addresses. One is more than enough for me to manage. Thanks!
Comment by Heather Kotok on November 10, 2010 at 10:53am
Weddings on Wheels Thats easy! To make a gmail put in in the url area on your computer. On the right hand side it will say Make a New Gmail account and walk you through it... after you make your gmail you can go to the settings area and forward your gmail to your earthlink email if you wish...

Have fun!
Comment by Weddings On Wheels® on November 10, 2010 at 10:49am
I don't use gmail. I use Earthlink email.
Comment by Heather Kotok on November 10, 2010 at 10:44am
My suggestion was a good place to put up repeated posts. Craiglist is also a good option. Blogging does not have to be a story or have photos... it's like what you posted on here... very simple and reaches so many when you connect it to the other social networking sites. One post goes to about a 1000 places all at once... when you link it to the other sites. It takes about an hour to set it all up and a post every couple of days... I would have to say the point would be to get your online presence increased and more couples the opportunity to find you...

To make a blog you set up a gmail account, while your gmail account is open, open a new tab and put in in the url. This will open a blog with your gmail account. It walks you through the set up. It walks you through picking a template design and lets you post. To post you simply copy and past things from your website, put in some key words and publish...

To set up a facebook business page, you open a facebook account, got to someones business page while your facebook is open and scroll down. On the left hand side it will say, make a business page. Click on that and it will walk you through how to make a business page. When you have made one, there will be tabs allowing you to go to your wall, photos, etc... and more... under more it should say Notes... open up the notes and on the left hand side it will say, import settings or import blog feed, click on that and put in your post atom from the bottom of your blog (on the bottom of your blog there will be a place that says blog atom... click on that and it will open the Atom of your blog on a new page, copy and past the url of your blog atom into your facebook notes page import settings area)

next, while your facebook is still open, open a new window and put in , make yourself a twitter... it will walk you through it... then go back to your facebook and put in in the url and connect your facebook to your open twitter...

Next go into twitter and search for weddings... follow all the wedding professionals that catch your eye or interest. Many will follow you back. Now when you get a following, each time you make a simple post to your blog you will get over 1000 posts online.

but if you think it would be pointless to you, it just may be... blessings and aloha
Comment by Weddings On Wheels® on November 10, 2010 at 10:10am
I'm not a blogger, so it would be pointless to set up something I'm not going to use.
Comment by Ceremonies by Bethel on November 10, 2010 at 9:57am
You're right, Weddings on Wheels, that I am not obligated to read your posts. But every time you post here, it sends an email out to all of us, letting us know you've posted once again, so it is like spam, every few days.

And no, of course I'm not the owner of this group or this website - just a fellow officiant trying to connect with colleagues around the country and share ideas. Your postings are really not aimed at us, as then one would be plenty, telling us what you do and what you specialize in, so that we know who to send your way, if relevant. But posting every few days in this forum is really not helpful to anyone.

Like Heather said, doing so on Twitter or your own Facebook company page is completely expected and appropriate. As would be a posting on something like a Craigslist where it's important to re-post regularly to be seen. This is not that space.

We all wish you lots of success and terrific couples!
Comment by Heather Kotok on November 10, 2010 at 9:30am
Weddings on Wheels, I suggest you make a blog and connect it to feed into a Facebook Business Page Notes page, that you can connect to a twitter. When you follow a lot of folks on twitter they will expect you to post about your business every few days ~

So this is how it works... on posting on your blog will automatically post onto your facebook notes, which will automatically post on to your facebook business page's wall, which will automatically post on to your twitter account.

Much more effective to boost your SEO search engine optimization, make good networking connections with wedding professionals and couples and not fill up a networking site like this one with ads that reach very few...

I happen to agree with Bethel, I was getting a little annoyed at yet another ad coming from this group from the same wedding vendor.

I wish you well with your endeavors and hope you get lots of great bookings!
Comment by Weddings On Wheels® on November 10, 2010 at 9:23am
Ceremonies by Bethel, Are you the owner of this group? I feel that my postings fall within the group's guidelines of "connecting with officiants" which are listed in the information box above. You are not obligated to read my posts. I'm just trying to use this social networking site to it's fullest. I'm sorry if my posts offend you.
Comment by Ceremonies by Bethel on November 10, 2010 at 8:38am
Weddings on Wheels, can you please stop posting every few days about your services? It feels like spam and is quite frustrating. This is meant to be a space for wedding officiants to share ideas and thoughts, a group of colleagues, not for another place to put advertisements. Yes, couples or brides may look here from time to time, but more to interact with us and to ask us questions. Primarily it is meant as that group of colleagues.
Comment by Weddings On Wheels® on November 10, 2010 at 8:32am
Want the perfect holiday gift for your sweetie? Marry him/her! Mobile wedding officiants available on short notice.

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