Unique, Decorative, & Memorable Wedding Time Capsules - Ways to Save Wedding Day Memories

How are you saving all your memorable items of your wedding day, that you cannot fit in a scrapbook?

The Wedding Time Capsule is nostalgic, personalized, and a memory maker. See it at www.timecapsule.com.

Our Time Capsules make lovely and highly unique additions to the portfolio of anyone who is already selling to wedding retail shops, gift & card shops and gift basket stores. These are a great sell, because they are so unique and there is very little competition. Many people put these decorative gifts on shelves in their homes as unique conversation starters, or on their Fireplace mantles as a decoration and treasure to open years later and reminisce through. If you are interested in being a reseller of our products, ask us for our manufacturer's price list.


Our gifts are unique, emotional and fun! How excited would you have been had your parents handed you a gift, say when you graduated from high school and were heading off to college that contained photos of them from the time of your birth? What was the price of gas at that time? The first house you lived in or your first pet? What an enjoyable moment!


For the Wedding Time Capsule, Newlyweds fill the Wedding Time Capsule with memorabilia from the day and year of their marriage. This timeless keepsake is then sealed and not opened until a special anniversary years in the future. This heartwarming 22-piece gift set comes with everything needed to create an absolutely unforgettable treasure.


22-piece kit includes embossed lid for Do Not Open Until date, Profile of the Bride & Groom, how-to guide, Message to the Future, stationery set with matching envelopes, inventory check list, certificate and over 160 full-color stickers to make a photo album, label video tapes, seal the capsule and more.


These are great to hold flower bouquets, for gift baskets, or as unique gifts for bridal showers.

We look forward to hearing from you. Have a wonderful, blessed day.


Mark & Marcie Norton

The Original Time Capsule Co

800-729-8463 (800-SAY-TIME)





Twitter: @NewTimeCapsule

Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/timecapsule2013/

Blog: http://www.timecapsule.com/author/admin/.

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