What to do about the cake when you both love different flavors?

"Think of each tier as a separate cake inside. Instead of getting one flavor, get a different flavor for each tier. This way, you can get lots of flavors, and your guests will have lots to choose from! If budget is a concern, make the smaller tiers the more exotic flavors, and the larger tiers the more common such as vanilla. There's no reason to decide on just one flavor of cake, when there are so many to choose from!" -- Lauren Cortesi, Bella's, Honey Brook, PA

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Wow, thanks for that suggestion. Great idea! So excited for my beach wedding in June and we're still planning on the wedding cake we're going to have on our dream destination wedding. I so love this: "...make the smaller tiers the more exotic flavors, and the larger tiers the more common such as vanilla." Thanks! :)

Best wishes on your wedding, and enjoy your cake!

Advance Congrats. :) 

That's cool. It will just depend on you, if what would be the best combination of flavors. Anyways, that's a unique idea!

I have seen some of the wedding cakes, it looks plain and simple. Better if you will out something that catches the attention of your guests. :)

Add cake toppers that are romantic.

For your resource: http://www.weddingstar.com.au

Hope it helps. :)


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