One of the more enjoyable parts of going to law school was drafting contracts.  Weird, but true.  To me they are like a puzzle where you have all these necessary pieces to fit together, no matter how difficult, and you want it to look and feel good, too.

That got me thinking about wedding pros and what kind of contracts, I prefer to say agreements, you use.  I'm creating a bouquet of agreements and want to make sure I get everyone covered. :)

So far, I've got a standard agreement for services, a change order form and an independent contractor agreement (for when you collaborate with others).  Here's what I hope you'll share with me:

  • What's different about a photographer, officiant, caterer or invitation designer contract?
  • What clauses do you include?  Which ones would you like better wording for i.e. deadlines, overage costs, liability issues.
  • What contract could I create for you that would make your contracting process and business easier, better?

Thanks!  Dina

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