We were in Conwy, North Wales because of taking photos and video clips for this lovely couple.
The bride has required a special fashionable wedding shoot during her couple portrait session on the wedding day. We love challenges and do have experiences in dealing with fashion shoots. We have drew mood board, brought special lighting to create a on location mini studio experience for them! The result is marvelous for all of us. Really happy with them.
Their wedding ceremony was held in St John's Church, in Llandudno and their wedding banquet was held in The Old Rectory Country House Conwy, North Wales.
More photos and videos coming up on our Facebook, Vimeo page and website.
Thank you
在北威爾士的康威為時髦的新人和他們的孩子記錄婚禮和洗禮! 我們為這對可愛的情侶和家人拍攝了照片和錄像。
新娘要求在婚禮當天拍出時尚感覺。 我們喜愛挑戰,接受新娘要求。 我們也有處理時尚攝影的經驗。 我們畫了構想圖,帶了特殊的燈光,為他們創造了現場迷你工作室的體驗! 我們所有人都很高興成果。
他們的婚禮在蘭迪德諾的聖約翰教堂舉行,婚禮宴會在北威爾士康維郡的The Old Rectory Country House舉行。
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#大日子 #婚禮攝影 #婚禮攝錄 #冬季婚禮 #英國婚禮 #酒店 #英國婚宴
#拉克內爾 #伯克郡 #nigerianweddingvideographer #londonnigerianweddingvideographer #SouthKensington #nigerianbride #tradationalweddingceremony #londonweddings #ghanaihancouple #londonghanaihans #londonghanaihanweddings #NorthLondon #britishnigerian
Beautiful Pictures, Congratulations
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