Does anyone advertise with WeddingWire and what are your thoughts?  Is this a good way to spend advertising dollars?

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I just started advertising with them. If you want to get brides you have to put up lots of reviews. So far I haven't gotten any brides but I just started two weeks ago.

I advertise with Wedding Wire, its been 3 or 4 months now and I really have not got anything.  I have got reviews from 3 of my brides so far, and the others have not responded to the e-mails.  My only complaint is I wish they would divide it by cities, instead of area's.  I had to advertise in a area that I don't travel too, however they said my keywords would bring up my city.  I'm going to give it a few more months and then reevaluate.  Hope this helps!! :)

Remember once you sign up with them you will not be able to stop your payment for a year. This really irritates me. So far I only had one bide contacted me and I am with WW for 2 months.

Hi there,

I think WeddingWire is a nice tool.

We have a high percentage of website visitors from WeddingWire and have also booked weddings through it.

Also, it has has also been a nice window to showcase bride and groom's glowing experience with our services to those clients enquiring about our us.

We have included the link to WW on our email signature as well.

Been on WW for 2 months - no calls or email inquiries yet.  It's all timing and this month we are trying with a DEAL and see what that generates for our unique wedding favor options.

I am advertising ith Wedding Wire but so far I haven't gotten any customers - it's only been 2 weeks though. Anyon else? Any thoughts?

I only do the free account on Wedding Wire. I see the vendors drop the paid accounts to the free because they don't see much difference.


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