Since your website is by far the most valuable marketing and lead-generation tool we have, do you control the content of your website and manage its look and feel on a regular basis or do you need that to a webmaster that don't really know your business?

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Woah. Good question!

Personally, I want total control of my website content. I need the ability to test my copy, opt-ins and content to maximize response. I backup my own websites religiously and before adding any new extensions. I'm also a little bit of a geek. :)

HOWEVER, I always turn to a professional website designer to help create the design and hire a programmer to get things functioning well. I'm not a designer or a programmer, so I believe in paying well to have someone help me with these issues.

I am good with copy writing and SEO. If I wasn't, I would hire someone to do this for me, too.

Most webmasters are only interested in designing your website; they don't care about marketing. They won't take the time to teach you how to do keyword research or make your site search engine friendly so that you attract your target market.

It's up to us to figure that out or find someone else to help us do it.


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