Hi All:

Having a green wedding is an opportunity to make a difference by supporting your local communities and change the way people think. Ecofriendly weddings also support the green economy.  

Please share some Tips and ideas for an Ecofriendly wedding in this season. 

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Glad to see this gaining popularity! I have a ton of tips I've been compiling. First up, don't use plastic! Don't give favors that people have to throw away after, skip bottled water, no balloons or disposable decorations. Focus on pretty, useful things!

Also, choose a venue with a green track record. No golf courses, etc. Look for places that are devoted to sustainability.

Here's some of the best resources I could find on the subject: http://weddings.gatheringguide.com/tm/green-wedding-ideas-trends

Please ask me any questions. I'm very excited about this!

Hello? Any other ideas?

Can creating a website be another good idea? I mean you don't need any extra add-on like reception card,accommodation card,etc in your wedding invite. The maximum details can be provided on the website only.


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