Thinking Destination Wedding? Enjoy a Free 2 Day stay at our villa Flor de Cabrera in Dominican Republic when you book your wedding with us

Yes we do mean FREE. We understand that booking a destination wedding somewhere you have only seen on the internet or in a brochure can make you nervous. Will it really look like the photos, will the facilities be as advertised, will the service be up to standard, will the reception and dinner be what you want for your guests?

We are so convinced that if you see our luxury villa Flor de Cabrera you will book your wedding with us so we are making this very special offer only to couples planning a destination wedding.

Come and stay at Flor de Cabrera for 2 nights to see exactly where and how your wedding will be planned, where you can hold the ceremony, where and how the reception can be laid out, where you and your guests will stay and the service we offer.

This offer includes 2 nights accommodation, meals, an appointment with our wedding co-ordinator to discuss your wedding plans and an appointment with the villa concierge to view all the villa and discover the facilities we offer our guests. Your stay, worth over $2000, will be free when your book your wedding with us.

To view Flor de Cabrera or
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