In my monthly newsletter I feature advice from former brides or brides that have been planning their weddings for a few months. If you have some words of wisdom or tips you'd like to pass on to other soon to-be brides, please share. Also, please include your name, wedding date, and city/sate you are from. Thank you.

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Two pieces of advice I could give from dealing with brides and also my own wedding is to spend most of the budget on things that will last like the pictures and video. You will have those memories forever.
Also, you can save a lot of money by having your wedding on a holiday...hall prices are more than half off and most people are off from work anyways. I saved over 60% off the reception price because I had my wedding on Columbus Day. During hard financial times, couples need all the help they can get...hope this helps...if you need anymore let me know :)

Designs to Remember
Was married on October 13,2003 in in California presently


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