Pre-Wedding Photography, Videography and Bridal Hair Makeup Services for Young and Beautiful Hong Kong couple in Weymouth, Dorset, Southern England

11.07.2020, This is a special day. The first photo and video shoot after 4 months break due to lockdown cause by coronavirus outbreak.

We have provided our pre-wedding photography, videography and bridal hair makeup services to this young, beautiful Hong Kong couple in Weymouth, Dorset, Southern England.

The couple told us they want to have the shoot just like the date the groom to be proposed. So we went to the beach in Weymouth. This brought back the memory for them. It is also the bride to be's birthday!

Originally, we were going to provide our service to this lovely couple's wedding day in this year August but because of coronavirus, they have postponed it to 2021.

Hope this stressful time will past soon and all our couples will be able to celebrate their big days with their love ones without distance! To join them for celebration will be our way to celebrate!

Keep an eye on our Facebook, Vimeo page and also our website to see this couple's and our all other couples' photos and videos.

Thank you








#TaiTamBay 大潭灣
#TaiTampreweddingphotographer 大潭婚紗攝影師
#KauToShanbridalhairmakeup 九肚山新娘髮型化妝
#KauToShanwedding 九肚山婚禮
#ShekO石澳 #ShekOHongKong 香港石澳
#ShekOpreweddingphotographer石澳婚紗攝影師 #ShekOweddingphotographer石澳婚禮攝影師
#Weymouth 韋茅斯
#Dorset 多塞特郡
#England 英格蘭
#coronavirusoutbreak #coronavirus #hongkongcouple
#hongkongbride香港新娘 #chineseinLondon #Britishchinese #chinesechurch #ccil #chinesechurchinLondon

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