Instant edit for Northbrook Park Elegant Wedding | Northbrook Park優雅婚禮次日快速剪接預告片

We have provided wedding videography service for a sweet British Hong Kong couple in Farnham, Surrey, England.

No matter what clients required from us, whether it is just single type of service or multiple services including bridal hair and makeup, photography and videography, we give our very best. As a result, we have got very good review from them and they were very happy with our next day video teaser.

They have done a white western style wedding ceremony in Northbrook Park Wedding Venue, and they have also done Chinese tea ceremony and door games with their bridesmaids and groomsmen. It was full of fun and joy. After the door games, the groom saw his beautiful charming wife in the bridal suite, where they kissed sweetly first time on the day.

8 out of 10 couples (including the grooms) cried this year when they give speech, because of all the time waiting for the restriction lifted, the family members and friends who are no longer with them and family and friends' supports in the past year in the lockdown. May their wedding be a blessing to the people who witness it.

We are happy to see couples are getting married in the way they want finally. We are a lot busier than before, but it worths the effort.
We wish them all the best and have a happy married life them ever-after.

Feel free to take a look at their teaser, highlight & feature videos on our Facebook page, our website and on our Youtube & Vimeo channel.

Thank you



他們在Northbrook Park婚禮場地舉辦了一場白色的西式婚禮,還與伴娘和伴郎進行了中式茶禮和玩新郎。充滿了樂趣和喜悅。玩新郎結束後,新郎在新娘套房裡看到了他美麗迷人的妻子,他們在那裡第一次甜蜜地親吻。




請隨時在我們的 Facebook 頁面、我們的網站以及我們的 Youtube 和 Vimeo 頻道上查看他們的影片。


#BritishHongKongcouple #Farnham #Surrey #BritishHongKong #BritishHongKongbride #ChineseinLondon #Chineseinuk #ccil #Britishchinese #BritishHongkonger #chinesechurchinLondon
#hongkongweddingvideographer #NorthbrookParkWeddingVenue #NorthbrookParkWedding #NorthbrookParkWedding #chinesedoorgames #chinesedoorgame

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