I recently wrote a blog post about a (wedding) day in the life of a wedding photographer. I am trying to shed light on how much we do, not only for people interested in that as a career, but also for clients to give them some perspective.

I started with photography, and would love to expand on that job (with comments) as I can only speak from my own experiences. But I would also love other additions, especially from vendors that are working DURING the wedding day. 

If you have something short to say, please comment. http://bit.ly/eSqkAJ 

If you have a more in depth perspective and you are another wedding professional (besides a photographer), please submit a paragraph or two as an example to traciehowe@yahoo.com . If you have any pictures, I can include a few. Watermark them and size to 900 pixels wide max.


I will choose from the responses that I get and I will ask those people to write an entire (wedding) day in the life...  I will give credit and link back to your site as well!


This should be fun! I hope to hear from some of you!





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