Hello to everyone! I'm new at this online social networking stuff and have a question regarding Facebook...

I currently have a page there (Fannie Street Stationery) which is a mixture of business and personal. I'm honestly thinking that having my personal friends posts there makes my business look kind of "cheesy." Does anyone agree?

I guess my question is - can I create a Fan Page while keeping my current page (I don't want to violate any rules)? I was thinking of creating the Fan Page specifically for business relations... and, keeping my current page for both.

Thoughts? Ideas?

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I would completely separate the two. Create a fan page dedicated strictly to your business. You could still update your personal page with your business info so your friends are kept in the loop. But creating a separate fan page will allow people who don't know you or your business to learn what you have to offer without sorting through all your personal posts.
I am pretty sure that you can do that. Also, with the fan page, you can choose to only display posts made by you on your main wall. The one downside to having a fan page is that you can't browse the network and invite people to become a fan (they would rather have you pay to advertise). The up side is that it looks more professional and you can add a facebook widget (icon) to the contact page on your website.
Thanks so much for the advice!
I agree with you wholeheartedly ! It is not easy to mix business with pleasure.

I think Facebook is great but I am not too happy with the way FAN PAGES work versus PROFILE PAGE.

I have three Fan Pages and one Group page for my many hats and activities.
When I see something on-line and I want to share it on Facebook, it only works with a Profile page, NOT a Fan page.

I recommend opening up a new Profile Page with your Stationary Company's name.
It will mean signing in and out to go from page to page, but it is worth it !!!
Great input Carolyn, thanks so much!
You can use hootsuite to help share what you find online, on fan pages, profiles, and twitter.
Signing up for a Profile Page with as your company is against the terms of service of facebook. Only individuals are allowed to have profiles and companies can only exist as fan pages. Then again, if you look on facebook, lots of people make company profiles so it doesn't look like facebook is actively enforcing the rules. Just FYI since you will have to make a decision to purposely violate the terms of service if you follow this route.
This may sound really stupid. How does one go about getting a fan page on FB. FB people ask me all the time to be a fan.

Is it an intrusion on someone's privacy to ask them to become a friend.? Thanks Annette
As discussed, FB says it's against the rules, but when I created my business profile, they accepted it as a profile page. I also have a business Fan Page. I'm just waiting for the day they delete my business profile. Until then.... and definitely keep the 2 separate.
You can definitely create a fan page while keeping your current personal page...actually I think that would be best because it differentiaites your business from your personal life. As Soulful Engagements mentioned, the updates that are posted on your fan page can also be posted on your personal page to keep your friends and family updated on what's going on with your business.


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