With the economy taking a nose dive the trend has been for a lot of brides to scale back on spending and mainly coordinate and plan their weddings themselves. Wedding Planners do charge a fee for their services but some brides don't see the benefits. Wedding Planners are a tremendous help in working out a budget, day of wedding coordination and helping brides realize their wedding day dreams. Any thoughts on this?

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Personally, I recommend to all of my friends to get a wedding planner.  Wedding planning is extremely stressful and it is easy to become overwhelmed.  A wedding planner will help you stay on track and also help you keep your sanity! 

I think a wedding planner is for people who can afford it, not everyone can afford a wedding planner. If you have a reasonable budget and the time to do it, then maybe with help from friends and family members you will be able to put it altogether. Though wedding planners are professionals and they can do a much better job, so it totally depends on you and your budget.


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I agree that most brides do not comprehend the full benefits of a wedding planner. On the flip side, I completely understand how this could be an area to cut back on if the budget is extremely tight. I read in one of TheWeddingReport.com reports (I believe) that day-of coordination is increasing.

Which leads me to a thought--brides need planners/coordinators but, given the ongoing bad economy, their needs have changed. The best approach may be to first sit down and discuss what areas she finds most important and where she is totally lost. Then take a team approach with the planner helping to keep the focus on those areas and the bride handling other aspects. True, it may mean less money for the coordinator, but it's an opportunity for the bride to better "think it through" and realize she at first realized.

We actually just wrote a blog about this http://hawaiiweddingsandevents.com/weddingplannerblog/2012/03/do-yo...

From our experiences, the ones that pay the least, expect the most and more often than not, are not as organized or "on top" of things as they think they are.   In light of the economy, we've actually managed to grow our full service market and are doing less day-of packages as we enjoy working with couples from beginning to end and that is when we truly can help them.

What the "day of" only brides don't realize is that by the time we get them, they've already contracted all of their vendors, so we're not able to change things and that is why they don't see the "value" as much as we were not able to help in that area.  

It kills me to see a couple struggling with their budget and then see that they booked a photographer for a 8 hour package when they could have managed with 6, or vendors that are higher cost with all the bells and whistles, many of which they didn't need and we have our "gems" that do a great job but don't have big advertising budgets so they work from referrals only.  We tell our couples, you don't want to pay for a BMW if you only need a Toyota.....but of course if you really want the BMW then we need to cut back in other areas to balance your budget.

If there was a "like" button, I'd push it!

As a wedding professional we love working with Wedding planners, things move much smoother when we do. Especially, at larger weddings it seems unthinkable to me not to have a team in place. Planners do more than  just plan; they giive couples the peace of mind that comes with having someone watching their back all night managing the details. The planning process happens before the wedding, the management and facilitation is on the day of a wedding, which to me is priceless. My feeling is bride's cannot afford not to have a planner once your guest count reach 150 or more...Coordinators at the venues are usually more interested in getting the food out in a timely manner, they simply don't have the time or ability to do what a planner does.

I think one of the best illustrations of the value of a wedding planner is when a wedding planner hires another wedding planner for her daugther's wedding - oh and that would be me!

I've still been thinking about the whole balancing act of saving money vs. getting the support you need (from the brides' pov). I am *not* a planner (the website helps create dream weddings on DIY budgets), but want people to understand what they need and the value of having a planner for that piece/pieces (providing they decide not to go for a full service). In other words, they can cut costs but still have a planner. 

So, I'm thinking to host a few guest posts on the subject--how/why to hire a planner when the budget is tight (different options, how you take the load off the bride & family, why even planners use planners for their own weddings, etc).


The blog is http://myonlineweddinghelp.com/bridal-news ... would anyone be interested in guest post, with link back to your website and/or contact info at the end of your post?



     Being a wedding planner is a great job. You can have a lot of fun interacting with different people and have the satisfaction of knowing that you helped make the best day of their lives even better. And the most incredible part you get paid for doing all this! If you think wedding planning is the right career choice for you, go for it! You do not require any special education to become a wedding planner. Here's a guide that can help you in becoming a wedding planner.  Hone Your Ability: Most wedding planners have a knack for interpersonal relationships and are good at making people feel at ease. While this may be an in-born quality, there is one important skill that can be developed for being a successful wedding planner, namely the ability to organize. This is the most important part of being a wedding planner and thus you should look to hone this ability.



It is my belief that Brides and their families need to be educated on the value of having a Planner. As in any other profession, there are great and not so great individuals. Planners are there to direct and offer sound advice on matters relating to the couple's special day. In my practice, the couple has the final say, even if it is not what I recommend. I always point out why I disagree with respect and go all out to make their ideas work.

Hi! I do think being planner as usefull as they have a strong experience in how managing details for weddings.

Plus we're actually Destination Wedding Planners and so we fell as a representant of our client down there.... we check everything for them...

This is also what our client tell us mostly that without us they couldn't do it... And  why do they choose a destination wedding to pay a little less of money for their wedding in compartion of a wedding in their home town. 

And then to finish a lot of client need help to organize all details and the flow during the day to enjoy the family 

HAve a wonderful day!!

As a certified wedding planner, needless to say I am biased, however, I am also smart enough to know that having a neutral person who is going to be honest about keeping me on budget, searching for the best deals and quality, knowing where to go and not go for certain items, has the inside scoop on good vendors, venues and when to say "seriously?" or who can make sure you've crossed the t's and dotted the I's - hire the planner.  Weddings are an all consuming thing and if you are already busy, having someone who really can spend the time and expertise on pulling everything together is worth every penny.  While people think its a piece of cake and that anyone can do it - think again.  Its not that its hard to do but it takes experience to know how to work smart and get the best possible everything from your vision.  Its also important that the bride remember its not only HER day but her husband to be too and a planner can help you keep perspective.  Its better to have a planner who can help navigate the waters and explain that cheaper and doing it yourself doesn't mean better.  Its better to have a  planner who can work with the vendors to ensure things go smoothly while you enjoy your wedding day and not working your wedding.  Proper planning prevents poor outcomes - get the planner.


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