We have a blog for nearly a year now.  Can anyone please make suggestions on how to get more people to follow our blog and to comment on our posts etc? The link www.paradisoflowers.blogspot.com - Would love to have a more interactive blog.



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Hello. I just signed up to follow your blog. My blog is http://bridetobridesmaid.blogspot.com, you can follow my blog too.

I agree with a number of the other posts; keep your blog current and relevant. That will drive traffic back to your sight. Good luck.
Thank you for all the excellent comments and follows everyone...
Do you have your blog account on your business cards?
DiscountTiarasUK.blogspot.com is following you now!

I assume that the point of wanting more readers/followers/comments etc is so that they click onto your shop and make purchases?

*Networking on sites like this one is great. Swapping linksand comments with other relevent blogs is great.

*Perhaps make the link to your shop more obvious and often, with a call to action ("Please visit our shop") on each post.

*Put your website blog link on EVERYTHING! Business cards (even free ones from Vistaprint), postcards, email signatures, your car, gifts, magnets. You have to get a little shameless about it :o)

*Send out Tweets with links to new posts, because Google is paying alot of attention to social networks. Search and follow relevent people on Twitter, build up and network, swap content and that can increase traffic significantly.

Hope that helps. I've got a handful of wedding/bridal blogs that we can swap links on if that would help. Just email me x
We are growing our numbers on my 'Reel Weddings' blog at http://www.CelesteStudiosBlog.com too. I had no idea how many people were actually following my blog until I added a counter to the bottom, which I did just last week!

I just assumed that because I wasn't getting a lot of comments that I was wasting my time but then after adding the counter and adjusting it so that it didn't count my IP addresses and that it only counted 1st time users, etc. I established that I had about 50 people visiting my blog a day! I had no idea. I am really working on growing my numbers now!
following all the ones that I can... :)


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