Any vendors who want to donate 80 samples of products, cookies, candy, notecards, notepads, makeup ect for a bridal gift bag (see event info). I will be putting goodie bags together 6/7 in NYC! Wedding Planning!
High-style wedding options that fit get-real budgets.
Venue:Sweet Revenge 10am -1pm 13/14th
Time:10:00AM Saturday, June 13th
I fear there is not enough time left for me to join in for this event; If you host another event in the future, I would be interested in joining in (if you have a message list, I would like to be added).
Thank you for responding. While I would love to participate, there is not enough time for me to get something fun produced and shipped out in time for the event! I want to express my interest should there be another such event in the future.