
    I am a member of the Customer Outreach Committee of the hotel workers’ union, UNITE HERE, Local 5 in Honolulu. I am writing to inform you of the possibility that labor disputes may erupt at hotels across our islands in the coming months.  Already this month, more than a thousand hotel workers have taken part in large demonstrations and protests because our major hotel companies have eliminated more than 500 working class jobs. Hotel workers have already given enough; now hotel executives are trying lock us into long-term contracts that allow them to cut still more jobs, even as workers are injured and occupancy rates soar.  
    Because we know strikes, picket lines at our hotels can substantially interfere with success of hotel events, we strongly urge you to protect yourself. To that end, it is very important you negotiate language into your contract that allows you to switch venues or receive a refund in case your event is ruined because of a labor dispute.   We strongly urge you to visit our website often ( to make sure your hotel is not subject to a strike or boycott.  
Even though current visitor arrivals and spending are seeing double digit increases over 2009, our major hotel companies (owned by Wall Street giants and investment funds) refuse to pass the profits along to Hawaii’s workers. Instead, these firms are rewarding hard work and loyalty with calls for outsourcing and benefit cuts. Hotel workers must not be locked into a permanent recession. Please contact your hotel sales representative and let them know that how they treat their workers matters to you. In the meantime, I can be reached at 808-941-2141 ext. 226 if you have questions, concerns, or want to know how you can do more.

Best regards,

Austin Case
(808) 941-2141 ext 226
(808) 941-2166 (f)

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