Hello Wedding Professionals,

Want free exposure for your wedding business?  Then, tell me your 2014 wedding predictions!

I'm preparing a blog post that will be published this month, which will be called: 2014 Wedding Predictions.  I'd love to hear your thoughts on what those predictions and trends will be.  I'll pick the 10 best (and most-likely-to-occur predictions).  Then, when I create the blog, I'll mention your business name.  I'll also link your prediction to your website or blog.  So, this is a great way for you to get a ton of free exposure for your business.  And here's a look at last year's predictions.

What should you do???

  1. Please share 1-2 wedding industry predictions below in this discussion thread.  Share your thoughts on color trends, fashion, decor, music, etiquette - you name it.  See an example below.  
  2. Include 1-2 photos in your submission to increase your chances of getting picked.  If you do include a photo, please link it to the webpage where it was originally found or give credit to the photographer.
  3. Be sure to include your business name as well as a link to your website and/or blog.

Thanks in advance for your help.  I can't wait to see what you think will happen to weddings in the New Year!

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I predict that weddings in 2014 will include some of these trends. the overall vibe for 2014 will be simple, effortless, comfortable, earthy and clean. 

1. inside out cakes

Photo by Daniel Cruz

2. simple wedding jewelry

3. bouquets with mostly one flower or color

Photo by Anita Martin Photography

4. simple silhouette wedding dresses

5. wood, rock, glass, and fibers: raw materials for wedding decor

Photo by Leani Holmes Photography

6. creative wedding favors: handmade soaps, special teas, homemade jam

Photo by OneLove Photography

7. live bands will make a comeback

8. camp weddings will continue to be a big thing, especially here in maine

Photo by Angelica Glass Photography

Submitted by A Sweet Start - A Maine Wedding Officiant and the A Sweet Start Blog

I love the rustic idea much more than elegant... rustic is still in!

Been seeing a lot more nude cakes lately. I think you're onto something!

Apart from all that also wedding invitation designs are going to change. I think next year some swanky invitations cards for wedding will be preferable. some of them I marked are:-

I've never seen scroll invitations. Wouldn't that poke through the envelopes?

Shades of Pink , Navy blue gowns with open back and longs sleeves designs.

Yes especially radiant orchid!

I think we will continue to see tea-length dresses in 2014. Tea-length dresses have been reappearing throughout 2013 and in 2014, we are expecting to see a tea-length boom. These short designs are super cute and are a bit different than the traditional wedding dress.

Wedding Planner Bay Area

Did tea length ever go out of style?

I can predict about Austalia only. This year brides will look more gorgeous and more adorable as Hair and makeup professionals in country are getting highly skilled..

This is the case everywhere, not just Australia. See http://www.gatheringguide.com/ec/health_beauty.html for hair, health, beauty, & makeup in the USA.


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