A lot of the vendors with whom I work are not fans of Yelp.  I actually love the site and believe in its value, but was totall caught off guard by a review on there today.  Does anyone have strong opinions about Yelp, as business owners, one way or the other?

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I looked into advertising with Yelp a few months ago but it wasn't in our budget, a bit high. However I did notice that our yelp free listing comes up on the first page of google for our keyword in our area, so I amloving them and I'm reconsidering advertising with them.

Don't pay!  Keep your Free listing!

I am a Reno Wedding Photographer, I would fall on the love side of yelp. Although i have multiple legitimate testimonials that it refuses to acknowledge. I get some of my best clients from yelp, my five star review seems to help that. If i had all of the testimonials count I think i would rank higher and get more clients, which frustrates me.

Jon M Photography

Reno Wedding Photographers

Hi Jon.  I get some of my best clients from Yelp, as well.  That's why I love the forum.  I just wish the actual company was as fabulous as its users;)

Hi there - I am also on Yelp - but no business from there... yet. We live in hope, but don't worry, its good to be 'out' and about in some sort of way - I say.



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