Help! I'm torn. I'm creating a brochure for my business and I wonder if it's better to list my service fee's in the brochure and on my website or leave it for consultation. What does everyone think?



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It's hit or miss on this one. I didn't for a long time, but got a lot of calls from people that were more interested in pricing before they really knew WHAT they wanted. It got to be a bit of a headache when dealing with price shoppers. I finally posted what my packages started at and this got rid of the 'shoppers'. Now when people call, they know the price and are now wanting to know more about the services involved. A little more promising on the 'lead' aspect.
I went back and forth with first, I had my pricing posted, then I pulled them to see what would happen. I started getting higher end weddings , or at least brides who wanted higher end but didn't have the $$ to do it. Then I posted my prices again and even raised them and now I'm getting the bride I'm aiming for - girls who want good quality decor at a reasonable price.

I think the key is looking at who you want to market to and how you word your pricing. My niche is the bride who googles everything, goes to the coach outlet, and buys her socks @ Walmart. I want to be as transparent as possible, no surprises, what you see is what you get.

I took out the words frugal, budget, etc from all my wording because I was getting the brides who wanted $1000 decor for $500. Now, it flat out says it starts @ $950 for my most popular package and I get brides who have a budget of $1000 and think I'm the bee's knees.
I would list your fees, even if it's just a "starting at" price. When I was getting married and shopping around, if a vendor didn't have their fees listed or easily available on their website, I went on to the next one. In my experience, "call for pricing" implies that it's going to be expensive.
For me as a vendor, it's hard to quote an exact price unless I know every detail of what they want on their veil. There are so many variables, the price differs wildly. But I try to have a good selection of samples with marked prices.
I think it's very important to list your prices up front. I believe that is one of the reasons we currently enjoy officiating a wedding a day. We appeal to two types of brides, traditional and the Amen,I do, Lets GO! crowd. All proceeds from our ceremony goes directly to the children's ministry to purchase backpacks,school supplies, food and warm coats for winter.
YES , -- Interested in how you handle this ? Currently I do not post! on website , but I will email $$ to them after they contact me ,a call or email ,
RE my pricing . Now as of the last year and a half only ! , --I have a second lower level pricing lower yes ! . and lesis provided BUt will not offer thes prices duriing prime time ie Saturday from 3to 7pm for example ! . Yes , this is very , new for me ! But I am in the higher level range of pricing here in Toronto Canada . I am constanly stuck on how to convey the quaility difference ? from myself and others , the cheapies ? That I am pricing higher than , {" the wham 'bam ", marry you fast , drive way REV , type,} or as they are called here ! --the wedding factory Officiants .
So many couples do not seem to "get "the difference ?They have NOT been married before !-- Have they ever seen a truly , beautiful service ? -- that was personalized rather than only the templateones , boring ! same old ! ? the same, insert names here , for couples , -Or" internet service "as I call it !
For example, 1 give often two apts with them 2 then send them off with homework to do together
# 3 which they send back to me
,4 From this , then-- , I write an one of a kind service; which I will preform for their wedding
Comments please from other officiants would be VERY welcomed ! MY thanks for your thoughts , ideas ? advice! ! SARAH-OFFICIANT in TORONTO CANADA -

As an Australian celebrant in an extremely competitive market, I have found that giving an idea of price seems to be important.  I use wording like: 'I require a booking of $150, with the balance rarely exceeding a further $500.'  This way I don't get the couples who just want the cheapest, and, when I have discussed their requirements with them, have some idea as to what they want and finally give them a firm price, they are pleasantly surprised.

I have tried not giving a price, doing the above as well as giving definite prices and found the above works best.  I get very few 'tyre-kickers' and the vast majority of inquiries become firm bookings. 

I have found that with most clients, they want to know the price up front. It is a matter of convenience. If one vendor lists their prices and those prices are in the bride's budget, then the bride will more than likely choose that vendor versus one she has to call and get a consultation with before she knows how much it will cost her. The vendor that lists the price saves her time, which in most cases is more valuable than anything. To keep your prices competitive though, you can always list them as "starting at."

Jordan - Gig Salad
A Spirit of Excellence Event Planning ~ I share my fees as 'starting at' and let the client know fees are customized based on their needs and services provided. This gives them the opportunity to determine how they can work fees into their budget or if they need to go in another direction. I also offer a variety of levels of services and price ranges based on how much assistance they need. Hopefully with the different levels I will capture their business. It is important to let clients know up front. It saves time, which is very important in the busy schedules of most people. Its also important that you help the client understand the VALUE of your services and how you can save them money (time) and provide a stress-free event for them.
The term "fee" appears to be a turn-off. Service charge or service price would mean "you provide value for the cost". A "fee" means to me, a charged for nothing of value or for maintaining a connection or relationship. The term "fee" is just negative in my opinion. But, if its works for you, good deal.
Give your perspective clients quality information about your services and a reason to call you! If they are shopping for the lowest price, then quality isn't their prime objective - service at the cheapest price is what they are actually looking for. I do not and have not listed my fees. This is not to say at some point in the future I will be persuaded to do otherwise. However, because of the quality of information about the services I provide either entices or encourages them to call. Once they call, we can make a personal bond that 98% of the time results in bookings. Because of the rich quality of information I provide; they just cannot disclude me without knowing what my fees are because I have peaked their interest... they want my services so they have to call.... and we get to connect and bond!
I publish packages platinum, silver, and bronze. I list some oof my services, and I list a starting fee. I don't charge by percentage of budget. I charge a flat fee due to variables like guest list size, complexity, and estimated hours. When a prospect calls I already know THEY know what my starting rates are so they're not surprised.
I have been struggling with this topic about pricing. I started last year in the wedding planning business and it has been very slow for me up to now. I get a lot of inquiries for pricing and when I send them my quotes I never hear from them again! or they go to another wedding planner. But after seeing your site sherries and reading all these other post I am going to do some changes on my site and publish my prices. I am a certified wedding planner and I know I can guarantee a good service.


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