In a world of give and take it is hard to find good options for getting your name out there without having to pay a lot of money. This is especially hard when you are just starting out. We are a small company and doing all we can by word of mouth and our friends. We also have our website, and craigslist (which can look so cheap), and we now Bridal Tweet (yay!). But just wondering if anyone had any other good suggestions for two eager wedding videographers and a photographer trying to get some gigs and their name out there?

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I agree with the others. I can't recommend enough. I love them! I use them for all of my reviews from the couples that I have married.
Hi Candis,

Congratulations on the start of your business! The other vendors comment's are right on! I actually found them really helpful to my business as well. The only thing that I found missing from the other's are all free places to list your business. They are not just wedding related, but I have found them to be a huge resource for me spreading the word about my wedding coordination business in Seattle. All of them are free to join:
Google local
Google Maps
Yahoo local
City Search
I'm sure that there are more, that is all that I can think of off the top of my head. You sign up in the business center and create a page for your business. Like I said it is free to use these services, which is the best part! They really should help you gain a larger presence on the web! I hope this helps. Best of luck to you!

Wendi Hroncich
Ethereal Events
Seattle, WA
I didn't know that you could join those for free...
I agree with Capcatchers, Twitter and Facebook are great free resources to do fantastic networking and marketing. Sign up to twitter and then go to -it is the yellow pages for Twitter. Here you can search for people in your niche and get connected right away. Good Luck!
I'm a photographer in the DC area, and have managed to get my name out there pretty quick this year! I do that by updating my blog regularly, contacting vendors that I LOVE to do blog spots and interviews. I take my camera and take pics of "A Day In the Life of A Vendor" which could be anything from a site visit to a florist. When you link to them on your blog, they will usually link back to you.

Site visits are great for this, b/c the bride and groom will almost always have their location picked out before the try to find their photographer.

I also make sure to upload photo slideshows to my client's facebook page. That way, even those who didn't make it to the wedding can see the final images.

If your up for some second shooting, join . They have a thread there that will hook you up with photographers in your area who would be willing to have you along for some portfolio building.

And since you have both videographers and photographers, definitely look into fusion video. It's really hitting the photo community hard and is still new to brides.

So yup! That's my shfeel.......other than those things, just network, network, network.

I hope that helps!! Good luck with everything!

Terra Dawn
Thank Terra Dawn! Some great ideas here! Can you explain fusion video for me? I've just started working with a videographer and want to mention it to her. Thanks so much for the input!
Dear Candis,
Many people underestimate the value of SEO (search engine optimisation) so that when someone types in 'wedding videographer in [city]' or 'wedding photographer in [city]' into Google or other search engine, YOUR business should come up in the first page of search results.

One of the many ways to improve search rankings is to trade links with other pros' websites. If you are interested, please contact me privately and let's exchange links!

Take care and good luck,

Hello Candis,


I am interesting in exchaning links.  My name is Michael King and I have a Caribbean SteelDrum Band in the Wash, DC area.  We believe in link exchanges  as a strategy to build SEO.  We also do article mktg, blogging, and meta tags.  visit our weblog at CAISO SteelDrum Band Blog email me at to let me know if you would like to exchange links. 






We are interested with link exchanging with other wedding vendors as well.

Oh my goodness everyone! What a GREAT discussion. There is so much information on here I can't wait to take some time to re-read and make notes.

Thank you so much for posting your input.

I did want to put out there a great way to build links is through an affiliate program. If those who are linking to you can get a little something out of it then they are going to be even more into it. And having wedding relavent links on your site will help with the rankings as well.

I also just found one that hasn't been mentioned for those of you who are in California. It's called Looks promising and it's free. yay!
Yes, join all of the ning sites that you possibly can. Also, is a great site to get your name out there. You should definitely create a website, produce as much marketing material as you can and try and work with wedding planners and other wedding professionals to be a part of their vendor list.
Actually, if you have a website, put your name in all the wedding websites you can. Alot of them are free all you have to do is advertize them on your website. Some of them will advertize for you. That's how I got my name on alot of advertizing, I didn't even realize they did this until I saw my name on more that what i payed for. Good way to get your name online.

Also, make up a magnet sheet advertizing yourself and stick it to your car. Free local advertizement there.


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