OK so today had to be the most miserable day ever; weather wise that is! What a way to end the working week, by waking up to torrential rain and wind! I felt like Dorothy being blown to Oz on my way to work this morning; I left the house looking presentable and arrived at work looking like my family cat after the “Bathtime” my niece once treated it to!Lol
But hey moving onwards and upwards! Throughout the day my stomach seemed to be suffering from some sort of ‘Christmas Post Traumatic Distress’ disorder; I was starving all day! Clearly it had gotten used to me stuffing my face silly during the festive period and was now having some SERIOUS withdrawal symptoms. So I thought today I would talk about food, more specifically cakes! Last year I developed a whole new level of respect, admiration & appreciation for Cake Makers (and I’m not just talking about the eating of them!) The pure level of love, skill and artistry put into some of these gorgeous cakes is breath taking!
Now I could go on forever listing various ‘world renowned’ Cake Makers, but heartbreakingly I can’t (I have strict word count to stick to! Lol) so I decided to list 3x out of my many favourites! I could sit here boring you silly about how much I love the detail, designs and look of these cakes but I wont, the photos alone speak for themselves.
#1 ‘The Caketress’: Lori Hutchinson is a Canadian Based Cake Maker Extraordinaire! I had to list ‘The Caketress’ as hers were the first to lead me into a world, where cake making is treated like an art form; her attention to detail is just amazing! - Aren’t they gorgeous?

#2 ‘Sweeta Polita’: Rose Alyea is another Canadian based Cake maker (are you sensing a trend here Lol) the thing I love about her cakes, is aside from being so tasty looking, is her use of contrasting colours & design! – I mean look at that cool asparagus cake!
#3 ‘Ron Ben-Israel Cakes': Ron Ben-Israel is a New York based Pastry Chef. Upon discovering his website, via good ole Google; I immediately fell in love with how bold and different his cakes were! Have a peak-a-boo and tell me you what you think?!
BUT WAIT! we cannot forgot the beloved Cupcake! Even though in America Cupcakes have become very common, passé even! lol, Only recently have they started to really take off here in the UK and have fast become the latest ‘it’ sweet thing to have featured in your wedding. I'm very lucky enough that one of my dear friend's Sibel Suleyman is - if I do say so myself- a rather dab hand at making beautiful cupcake's! A hidden talent that she only recently discovered! I've had the fortune of sampling these goodies and let me tell ya- they taste a good as they look
This fab batch of yummy 'black & yellow' themed cupcakes was for a recent Dr Martin Store 'Lock In' |
Also a few other Fab Cake Makers worth checking out:
If you liked todays post, then check out my blog for more bridal inspiration: labellevielondon.blogspot.co.uk
Stay blessed and we'll speak again soon.
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